Not just a Southern thing...

No point other than political saber-rattling. Whats past is past. 99.5% wont try to go back to the way things were. It is strictly a piece of political grandstanding for existing politicians to say 'Look what we've done! We've extended crucial freedom legislation. That proves we are doing our jobs. You must reelect us.' Any president or politician standing up and saying that it isn't needed anymore would be branded a baby raper racist bigoted theocratic jim crowe commie. Pure gladassing.
unclehobart said:
No point other than political saber-rattling. Whats past is past. 99.5% wont try to go back to the way things were. It is strictly a piece of political grandstanding for existing politicians to say 'Look what we've done! We've extended crucial freedom legislation. That proves we are doing our jobs. You must reelect us.' Any president or politician standing up and saying that it isn't needed anymore would be branded a baby raper racist bigoted theocratic jim crowe commie. Pure gladassing.

Ayup. With the added plus of providing the media another opportunity to stoke their fires. And notice, they dutifully obeyed. But I'm over-reacting again.
tonksy said:
Please don't categorize us like that. I feel not repressed....I do, on occasion, feel sorry for myself but that is another matter.


well, not the other matter but it's good to know things aren't as bad as the picture SouthernN'Proud had painted. Maybe you're not as far south?
spike said:

well, not the other matter but it's good to know things aren't as bad as the picture SouthernN'Proud had painted.
Well, I've lived here and there so I understand that the actual distribution of prejudice and bigotry is fairly even throughout the land. There is, however, a clear perception in the Northeastern US that the vast majority of prejudice and bigotry exists in the Southeastern US. It's hardly a universally held belief, but it certainly exists. Some of our southern brethren take more umbrage than others. ;)
spike said:

well, not the other matter but it's good to know things aren't as bad as the picture SouthernN'Proud had painted. Maybe you're not as far south?
I dunno...I am outside Atlanta now...but before moving here 2 1/2-ish years ago I had been living south of I-10 for over a decade. I'd wager that about as south as it can get without being Mexican :nerd:
tonksy said:
I dunno...I am outside Atlanta now...but before moving here 2 1/2-ish years ago I had been living south of I-10 for over a decade. I'd wager that about as south as it can get without being Mexican :nerd:
I lived right on I-10 for fifteen years or so. Way out west doesn't count as southern though. :D

I'm pretty sure Loozy-anna does though.