Not-so-slick Hillary


New Member
I think she needs to go back to smoking Bill....

Red states are turning scarlet for Sen. Hillary Clinton as her cultural elitism becomes transparent to Middle America.
Mrs. Clinton, D-N.Y., her party's likely presidential nominee, has quietly co-sponsored an insidious gun bill of fellow liberal Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J. But Hillary's slick move to silence left-wing critics will backfire as it blows holes in her well-cultivated image of a red state-friendly moderate.
Honest liberals are less repulsive than dishonest ones in America's heartland.
The lawsuit-friendly bill Hillary is co-sponsoring would make public a national database of weapons used in crimes and illegal sales so plaintiffs could sue gunmakers more easily for the actions of their buyers.
Al From, founder of the ironically named Democratic Leadership Council, hosted a conference in 2003 titled "God, Guns and Guts: Seizing the Cultural Center." He knew that rural and suburban voters doubt liberals share their values. Well, duh.
Gun grabbers were told to mouth respect for the Second Amendment but demand tough laws to close "loopholes" -- such as the one allowing a widow to sell her husband's rifle at a gun show without having to do background checks.
Hillary, who doesn't even make a passing reference to the Second Amendment, must have blown off that session.
Now more than ever -- run, Hillary, run! Please!
2minkey said:
i thought so too...

the democrats gotta get off asinine issues like this if they're ever gonna get anywhere. my bet is they won't. kinda sad when the so-called party of the educated elite is too dumb to see when it's a dead horse they're kicking.
Mine too. Plus, they keep acting like Hillary's relevant. Probably just because they like to hear the right scream, but still. Al Gore is more electable than she is for goodness sakes.
Electable by the whole, or by the party? She & screaming Dean are exactly what the core of that base want. She has to make the nuts happy to get the nomination then switch gears to make everybody else happy.