Not speaking of fingers!!!


New Member
What is it with young children putting foriegn objects up their noses??
My oldest when he was 1-2 bit little pieces of apples up his nose and had to take him to the doctors to get them out!
Today- OMG- found out my youngest at daycare put a piece of tire (they cut tires into little chips for the playground instead of sand-supposed to keep the red ants away??) up his nose-was miserable all morning and at lunch time was asked what was the matter-crying he said " I have a rubber thing in my nose! Thank God he could blow his nose and it came out.
I never remember doing anything of the sort when I was younger.
Got to love the joys of kids and the things they do-ughhhhh :lol2:
Mare said:
What is it with young children putting foriegn objects up their noses??

For some strange reason, they think it's funny to shove foreign objects in strange places. I'll never understand it either. I've seen it numerous times with friends and such. Thank goodness your little one was able to get it out.'re not a kid unless you've tried shoving a raisin up your nose. Give a kid some raisins and watch the fun. :)

Luckily...I own some needle-nose plyers (modeling-size) which work wonders on little nostrils.
MrBishop said:'re not a kid unless you've tried shoving a raisin up your nose. Give a kid some raisins and watch the fun. :)

Luckily...I own some needle-nose plyers (modeling-size) which work wonders on little nostrils.

I dont think I could go up there and get it out of their nose myself, thank God is right-he blew his nose and out it came...As for Michael my oldest, doc trip with him, in fact the doctor was a Jr. and had to go in the next room and tell his dad to come look at what this kid did-they thought it was funny, I was praying he just didnt sniff up to wedge the apples further.
Mare said:
I dont think I could go up there and get it out of their nose myself, thank God is right-he blew his nose and out it came...As for Michael my oldest, doc trip with him, in fact the doctor was a Jr. and had to go in the next room and tell his dad to come look at what this kid did-they thought it was funny, I was praying he just didnt sniff up to wedge the apples further.
You could, depending on how small the item ws, block the unobstructed nostril, tell the kid to open his mouth and blow into the blocked nostril...pushing the object back into the mouth...opening the mouth opens up the sinus opening further than normal.
MrBishop said:'re not a kid unless you've tried shoving a raisin up your nose. Give a kid some raisins and watch the fun. :)

Luckily...I own some needle-nose plyers (modeling-size) which work wonders on little nostrils.
....i give my girls raisins all the time....maybe it's just a boy thing...

I remember when my Daughter jen was 3 she put a peanut up her nose....I was ready to take her to the hospital ...then she blew it out!
Re: peanuts

Bellows are good for that. YOu stick the nozzle up the unblocked side, then have him blow out. While he's doing that, you squeeze the bellows and *pop*. Or his brain explodes. One way or another, there's a clear orifice.