not sure what to make of this one...

Maybe this wasn't the best week to discuss disarming Americans and giving amnesty to foreigners...
srsly dood you couldn't make this stuff up
I'd sooner believe in global warming or jebus !

Ann Coulter@AnnCoulter

It's too bad Suspect # 1 won't be able to be legalized by Marco Rubio, now.

holy retards, batman. yeah figures it's about 12 seconds between these guys getting ID'd and the dipshit circus going nuts about immigrants on our soil. the really cool part is if it had been white guys, there would have been just as much of an orgy in denial and accusations of whitey's oppression. but it will be most entertaining to hear alex jones' ball boy's explanation of events and how they are part of the wider conspiracy to trick us into drinking fluoridated water.
yeah y'all retards ought not waste a good crisis and opportunity to blame foreigners.

Nice switcheroo. We're no longer accused of blaming Arabs, we're accused of blaming foreigners.
Global Warming? Huh, okay. Climate change.

Well, since those that have attacked us, all Muslim, maybe we should blame radical Islam, err, wait
that's what we've been doing.
Gonz there you go pointing out the obvious (again)

Not all Muslims may be terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims
Ann Coulter 09/28/2001
ok I take that back the lil brother that is still running around loose
became an American citizen on nine eleven 2012 (for the lulz)?
not sure what to make of this one:

ok they caught jonny jihad's lil brother

now we can get back to open borders, bankrupting the country & repealing the 2nd amendment
Due to this week, will there be any support for open borders & repealing the 2nd? (temporarily of course)
why would there need to be any support
they have been governing against the will of the people
for so long now It no longer matters
Support pffft we don't need no steenkin' support
