not sure what to make of this one...

Wait, supply will overwhelm demand soon enough. I bought at $.34/rd just before this crap started. There's no way I'm paying a buck or more
i will do fine in the event of zombies. the aimpoint will help with the headshots thus conserving ammo.
what else did you learn?
that it wasn't even a video but a column?
or that it is all just too much, when all you really wanna know is:
"who shot JR?!?"
sorry bub just figured it's your usual bullshit about how everything is bad and we're gonna be overrun by the poor/immigrants/minorities/whatever.

i gotta give you credit though no one has ever thought of that shit before. :retard:
yeah i don't know what to think about that one yet.

9/11 was instantly obvious as to whodunit and why, based on ideology, ambition, and means.

obviously this is a tragedy but, you notice how small the blast radii appear to be? the material evidence is fairly unimpressive.
not sure what to make of this one
meanwhile in soviet Russia beauty queen gets railed on because of her ethnicity?
(she's a tatar) she's not Russian enough!
I say, who cares she looks fuggin'
hawt as hell to me

i'd certainly give her the business. but, then, i like 'em not so blue-blond.
upstanding native-born christian white guys don't count. he means a-rabs and lefties.

but i would like to thank him for pointing out that shit blowing up here is a problem. i'd never have guessed that on my own.