'Nother scam

Why would I go into it again, Prof? I've given that that set of lectures often enough - if folks don't want to listen, it's their fuckin' problem. I will say this, though:

Cash vs. credit has very little to do with discipline and everything to do with planning. I carry no cash - ever - and my budgeting and tracking systems are complex and detailed enough that they require Access, not Excel.
As for check scams, they've been around since checks have. My personal favorite is "check washing", where they take your check, "wash" your writing off of it, and have a blank, VALID check on your account. Yippee!
Oh, and for Gawd's sake people, don't be stupid enough to write a cheque with an Erasermate pen.
I personally always write "For Deposit only" on the back of every single cheque I write. That way, the cheque cannot (at least up here) be cashed without at least transacting with a bank account. Papertrail is everything.
HomeLAN said:
Why would I go into it again, Prof? I've given that that set of lectures often enough - if folks don't want to listen, it's their fuckin' problem. I will say this, though:

Credit vs. credit has very little to do with discipline and everything to do with planning. I carry no cash - ever - and my budgeting and tracking systems are complex and detailed enough that they require Access, not Excel.

So you DO buy stuff on credit?
Of course I do. Exclusively. Then I pay the balance off by the due date. I've explained why many, many times before.
HomeLAN said:
Of course I do. Exclusively. Then I pay the balance off by the due date. I've explained why many, many times before.

Then why the hell is Prof giving me shit because I plan to do the same and saying you're going to lecture me over it?