'nother silly question test

I don't think it has anything to do with envisioning an actual red hammer. The test asked you to quickly think of a color and a tool. Red is a primary color with the fewest letters. A hammer is a tool most people are readily familiar with. There can't be any more to it than that.
Still trying to work that part out. I'm thinking along the lines of it forces you to marginally exercise one portion of your brain while the other lies dormant. The requirement of quick answers at the end further stifles the creative part of your brain.

Okay, so the theory needs some more work. :nerd:
The math is a distraction, to clear any conscious thought processes one may try to employ to "beat" these tests. Some people have way too much time on their hands.
red hammer here. I've done this before too, thought about a red hammer then too.
SouthernN'Proud said:
The math is a distraction, to clear any conscious thought processes one may try to employ to "beat" these tests. Some people have way too much time on their hands.
Now... are you referring to the authors or those of us with so much time that we take a stupid test like this. :lloyd:
i just bought rob a hacksaw for christmas...maybe i would have thought of a hammer if i hadn't.