Now scoot


Well-Known Member
Just browsing the honda site, and I came across something that gave me a woody.


The big Ruckus. Damn, scooters have come a long way.

Then I saw The silver wing


[singing]All I want for christmas ....[/singing]
I guess they're OK, but I just can't get excited about a scooter. BTW, unc I think there's a 650 scooter out there somewhere.
55 only appies in the city now. Elsewhere, it's 65-70 on freeways.

Of course, in Atlanta, they'll mow you down at the limit.
All of life is a first person shooter... and motorcycles in da big city are 200 points.

I've always wanted a bike. I am a great cycle driver and have incredible respect for my surroundings when I did go out in my youth. Its just that everyone else out there in their Camrys and minivans are arfing stupid and don't give a mooses' nad sweat if anyone else lives or dies. I will only ride in the big city with a comparable weight in steel. Only if I ever move to a small town will I get a scooter/cycle.