Now they deign to even make our organ donation decisions for us


Well-Known Member
Is there nothing they will not abrogate from the individual?

I can't donate because of my hepatitis C but I would be more than happy to donate all of my organs to the clown who came up with this bill.


Jan 19, 10:53 AM EST

Bill would make Coloradans organ donors by default

Associated Press

DENVER (AP) -- Colorado drivers sign up for organ and tissue donation at higher rates than in any other state. But state lawmakers are considering a first-in-the-nation change so that people getting driver's licenses would be presumed organ donors unless they indicate otherwise.

The "presumed consent" system for organ donation is common in Europe and is credited with dramatically raising organ donation rates. (Ya think? - j)

In the U.S., however, similar programs have been defeated by lawmakers in at least three states - Delaware, Illinois and New York - amid ethical fears that "presumed consent" opt-out donation programs seem coercive.

Organ donation advocates hope the program gets a warmer reception in Colorado, where already nearly two-thirds of people carrying driver's licenses or state-issued identification volunteer to be considered as organ or tissue donors. (Key word "volunteer" -- j)

Colorado's proposal, introduced last week, would change the process for renewing driver's licenses and state-issued ID cards so applicants are assumed organ donors unless the applicant initials a statement that he or she doesn't wish to be considered as a possible donor.

Applicants would get a statement that reads, "You are automatically deemed to have consented to being an organ and tissue donor and this designation will appear on your driver's license or identification card."

One of the bill's sponsors, Democratic Rep. Daniel Pabon of Denver, said the change would simply make it easier for people already willing to become organ donors. (We would no longer have to actually speak the one syllable words "yes" or "no". What could be easier than that? -- j)

"This takes a bunch of people who otherwise might donate but just get in the DMV and don't want to stand in line, or they forget, and this makes it easier," said Pabon, whose uncle received a liver transplant after three years on a waiting list in Iowa. (Ah ha! there's the agenda. his uncle had to wait so he wants to up the pool. Also , there is no "line" to stand in to be a donor and when you renew your license you are asked by the person attending to you if you8 wish to be a donor. This is simple made-up bullshit. -- j)

Pabon noted that Coloradans already seem to embrace organ and tissue donation. About 65.6 percent of people with state-issued identifications, or more than 2.9 million people, are volunteer donors, state officials said. Colorado's donor volunteer rate leads the nation, even though the state doesn't offer discounts on state IDs for organ and tissue donors, as some states do.

"This issue is one that's ripe for Colorado," Pabon said of his presumed consent proposal.

Despite Colorado's donation-friendly environment, organ donation advocates say the state still doesn't have enough donors to meet demand.

"After people pass away, there's a way to save nine lives, 10 lives with organ and tissue donations," said Steve Farber, a prominent Denver attorney who received a kidney transplant from his son and co-wrote 2009's "On the List: Fixing America's Failing Organ Transplant System."

Farber founded the American Transplant Foundation and hasn't yet taken a position on Colorado's opt-out proposal. However, even if Colorado raises organ and tissue donations through an opt-out system, there would still be a shortage because medical demand far outpaces supply, he said.

One of the nation's most prominent supporters of opt-out donation programs, Arthur Caplan of the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Bioethics, agreed that waiting lists aren't going away.

"The demand for organs is growing so fast that even if we do this, we're not going to meet the shortage," Caplan said.

He had some advice for Colorado lawmakers supporting the change: Replace the "presumed consent" title on the bill with a better-sounding "default to donation." Caplan says that to American ears, the phrase "presumed consent" sounds too Orwellian. (What is Orwellian is the newspeak phraseology this guy suggests. -- j)

"When you use the word 'presumed' it sounds like you're just going to take the organ, and that doesn't sound good," said Caplan, who last year argued in favor of New York's failed attempt at presumed consent for organ and tissue donation.



Senate Bill 42:

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That seems a backward assumption opting in is a clear intent.

.....he wasn't using his car so I thought I would just take it.
Next they'll tell you what you can eat, what medical treatment you can receive and outlaw smoking.

It's only your body if you want an abortion at 14.
well i can see how that would upset you. 14 is prime breeding years YEEEHAH hey ma git off the dang roof!

but seriously, you're getting all apocalypse again. keep crying wolf. maybe someday someone will give you some attention.
I got an organ donation for you

hey man i don't want to hear your sob story about how you tried to be an actor but ended up as an amateur internet clown. i'm guessing it's because you could never find social acceptance in the theatre crowd because of your visceral hatred of gays, but really, spare us the details. but just look at the positive side - you can post all the inflammatory and nonsensical shit you want here, along with lots of stupid pictures... what more could you ask for?
Oh minxy you sure a silly one. Does your hypocrisy know no bounds? It's liberista world where you manufacture great distress from nothing while not taking the time to see your own reflection in the mirror.You've convinced yourself of many things that simply not true.

I don't hate homosexuals, I just think it deviant behavior and should not be promoted by a militaristic political agenda. I'd guess I'm more tolerant of homos than you are of Christians.

As for theater, I am involved with it and support it locally. Although I find it funny that you assume the entire theater community is homosexual. Stereo type much?

The challenge of the art of communication is to make your point digestible by the masses, not to look smarter than the people you are communicating with.

Now let me burn your eyes of their sockets.....


Feel the burn baby.

Check out his old lady's face in the background. "Barack! You gonna die eatin' that stuff. Ain't you seen my program to get everyone to eat like me? And here I cain't even get you to eat my pussy you bastard; and it don't even have no sodium or nitrites!"
*psst* nitrates have been used for a zillion years in sausages and they ain't gonna fuck anybody up. the salt thing is largely a hoax, too. and MSG tastes fuckin' awesome!
Now ... let me get this straight ... the state with pretty much the highest opt in for donors .... needs a way to get more. there's less than 40% left to get .. and they might get 5% of that ... so pretty much all this is is a way to sneak in a precedent. Now, what about all those poor fucks that don't have licenses or state id cards .... hell, what if I happen to be visiting that state and something happens to me? I get carved up? Fuck that.
Now ... let me get this straight ... the state with pretty much the highest opt in for donors .... needs a way to get more. there's less than 40% left to get .. and they might get 5% of that ... so pretty much all this is is a way to sneak in a precedent. Now, what about all those poor fucks that don't have licenses or state id cards .... hell, what if I happen to be visiting that state and something happens to me? I get carved up? Fuck that.

nah they'll ship you back to... wherever... unless you're dumb enough not to have your passport on you, which i highly doubt... but they might cornhole your stiff for fun while you're there you cute little bastard. i think peel said he wants first dibs.