Now they deign to even make our organ donation decisions for us

*psst* nitrates have been used for a zillion years in sausages and they ain't gonna fuck anybody up. the salt thing is largely a hoax, too. and MSG tastes fuckin' awesome!

I wrote nitrIte, not nitrAte. There is a vast difference.

Nitrates are used in fertilizer.

Nitrites are used in food processing.

Here's a couple of references for you on the difference between nitrates and nitrites.


Nitrate should not be confused with nitrite (NO−2), the salts of nitrous acid. Organic compounds containing the nitro functional group (which has the same formula and structure as the nitrate ion save that one of the O− atoms is replaced by the group) are known as nitro compounds.


Sodium nitrite is used for the curing of meat because it prevents bacterial growth and, in a reaction with the meat's myoglobin, gives the product a desirable dark red color. Because of the toxicity of nitrite (the lethal dose of nitrite for humans is about 22 mg per kg body weight), the maximum allowed nitrite concentration in meat products is 200 ppm. Under certain conditions, especially during cooking, nitrites in meat can react with degradation products of amino acids, forming nitrosamines, which are known carcinogens.[5]
i know there's a difference jim... one is tim mcveigh and the other is delicious weenie dogs. but nice catch my of my brain flub. i've actually made the same mistake before when doing work for weenie makers, and they found it amusing too.

"the hot dog seems like a fake sausage because it doesn't have that traditional curve in it like sausages. it's all about the curve."

i bet bill clinton would agree.