Now THIS is just plain desperate


Well-Known Member
The guy gets skewered by those posting on the article. I didn't find a single post in support of his contentions -- or his possession of a brain -- but I only went 3/4 of the way down the page.

Shame on McCain and Palin for using an old code word for black

By Lewis Diuguid, Kansas City Star Editorial Page columnist

The "socialist" label that Sen. John McCain and his GOP presidential running mate Sarah Palin are trying to attach to Sen. Barack Obama actually has long and very ugly historical roots.

J. Edgar Hoover, director of the FBI from 1924 to 1972, used the term liberally to describe African Americans who spent their lives fighting for equality.

Those freedom fighters included the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., who led the Civil Rights Movement; W.E.B. Du Bois, who in 1909 helped found the NAACP which is still the nation's oldest and largest civil rights organization; Paul Robeson, a famous singer, actor and political activist who in the 1930s became involved in national and international movements for better labor relations, peace and racial justice; and A. Philip Randolph, who founded and was the longtime head of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters and a leading advocate for civil rights for African Americans.

McCain and Palin have simply reached back in history to use an old code word for black. It set whites apart from those deemed unAmerican and those who could not be trusted during the communism scare.

Shame on McCain and Palin.

Submitted by LewisDiuguid on October 21, 2008 - 12:01pm.

I just can't help but reminisce about those Black socialists today and throughout history like V.I. Lenin, Karl Marx, Hitler, Mousselini, Che Gueverra, Bernie Sanders, LBJ, FDR, Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, Albert Einstein, H. G. Wells, Leo Tolstoy, Helen Keller, Jack London, Charlie Chaplin, Margaret Sanger, et al.

Ah, but life must have been good back on the ol' plantation, sittin' 'round singin those ol' negro spirituals.

Just for fun, click HERE but be aware that there are errors in the video.
Rush picked up on this today and now, instead of having only a couple of hundred people who think this guy is an idiot, there are 20 million people who think this guy is an idiot.

This is what Rush had to say:

RUSH: Folks, you who live in Kansas City and who read the Kansas City "Scar," you have an idiot on the editorial page. I'm not even going to try to pronounce his name because I don't see how. But he has written a piece saying: "The 'socialist' label that Sen. John McCain and his GOP presidential running mate Sarah Palin are trying to attach to Sen. Barack Obama actually has long and very ugly historical roots." Now, so far, so good, because "socialist," that label, refers to a lot of dead white guys. I don't know. When you think of a socialist, can you name one black leader you think of as a socialist? When you hear the term "socialist," historically? I mean, you might think of Robert Mugabe now and you might think of the guys running South Africa, but I bet you can't name 'em.

You'd have to really, really work at it to come up with some historical black leaders who were socialists. You might want to throw in Idi Amin Dada. You'd really have to work at it. When you think of socialists you think of Mussolini. You think of Hitler. You think of Hugo Chavez -- and then from there you go to communists, from there you go to Nazis. They're all white guys. You think of Soviet Union leadership and the politburo. You think of people like Mao Tse-tung -- or Mao Zedong, depending on which pronunciation you prefer. This idiot at the Kansas City Scar said, "J. Edgar Hoover, director of the FBI from 1924 to 1972, used the term liberally to describe African Americans who spent their lives fighting for equality. ... McCain and Palin have simply reached back in history to use an old code word for black."

No, "socialist" is not a "code word." It has a specific definition. It's a socialist! It doesn't matter what race; it doesn't matter what religion. It doesn't matter what sex, orientation, gender, whatever. A socialist is a socialist. The guy goes on to say, "It set whites apart from those deemed un-American..." Well, I'm sorry, Mr. Idiot at the Kansas City Star, but up until now, most Americans considered socialists to be un-American. It wasn't the way our system was designed. We are capitalist! Socialist was considered to be an enemy. Socialism was something we fought against. Socialism is something we liberated people from, and this guy is now saying the word "socialist" is a code word for black? I went to the Urban Dictionary to find out what in the world this idiot writing for the Kansas City Star could possibly have been thinking.

There are 26 definitions of "socialist," and not one of them in the Urban Dictionary indicated blackness. Number 14 referenced whiteness. Let me read to you from the Urban Dictionary. There are 26 different definitions of this word, and here's number 14: "A socialist, in democratic, capitalistic, western countries, is a person who was, more often than not, raised in a white, middle class family and adopts a socialistic political world view to vent the guilt felt by such an upbringing. This cathartic measure is a form of psychological flagellation and an attempt to identify with poorer people and countries. The socialist realizes that the hand they were dealt was not contingent on their being 'special' but lucky." That's definition number 14. (interruption)

What, Snerdley? Hmm? (interruption) Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's a stretch. That's a bit of a stretch. But this guy is such an idiot, you may have a point. Let's read this again and figure out where this idiot at the Kansas City Scar might have been confused here, that socialist is a code word for black. "A socialist in Democratic capitalistic western countries is a person who was more often than not raised in a white middle class family..." Well, that is Obama, and since Obama is black, maybe... It's convoluted. (laughing) It's convoluted. You know, if a few people back through history got the distinction between racism and socialism mixed up, that was their problem. The USSR, the ChiComs, North Korea, other than socialist countries we think of today can hardly be considered strongholds of black activism or civil rights activism.

The fact that this employee of the Kansas City Scar decided to equate anti-socialism with racism is itself such an obvious racist ploy that it's embarrassing. It's embarrassing. This is so typical of the Drive-Bys and who they hire and who they have working on their newspapers today. This is on the editorial page. Now, I mentioned in... (interruption) Yes? The program observer has a question. What's the question, sir? Make it quick. Mmm-hmm. Mmm-hmm. Mmm-hmm. Why is it white liberals know all the code words and the rest of...? 'Cause they make 'em up as we go. They're the ones that make up the code words! Look, "socialist" is now a code word. "Community organizer" is a code phrase. "Past associations" is a code phrase. "Spreading the wealth" is a code phrase. His middle name, Hussein, you can't say it. "White grandmother," you can't say it, except when Obama goes to visit.

Jeremiah Wright, can't talk about him. Bill Ayers, can't bring him up. Michelle (My Belle), don't talk about her. We have duct tape on her mouth anyway. We can't talk about his big ears. We can't talk about anything here. Anything we bring up is racist and a code word for racism. By the way, I hate to be a I-told-you-so, but this was one of the things I feared and one of the things I predicted the way this campaign would play out is that any criticism of Obama is going to be said to be racist. By the way, if he does win the election, that's going to continue. That's not going to stop. Everybody thinks, "Oh, well, if we elect a black president, that's the end of the racial strife in the country. Oh, there will be love and sweetness all around."

No, oh, no because any criticism of Barry as president is racist. The race industry leaders, from the Reverend Sharpton to the Reverend Jackson are going to be all over the place, keeping the race business alive and well.
Yep, there sure are a lot of people that think Rush is an idiot. Deservedly so.

He just confirmed it again.