Now what do you think of this?


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Dec. 31 — U.S. intelligence officials have identified approximately 15 cargo freighters around the world that they believe are controlled by al Qaeda or could be used by the terrorist network to ferry operatives, bombs, money or commodities over the high seas, government officials said.

And the government is beefing up security at airports... :rolleyes:

erm, terrorists are everywhere...and if they act on small scale, and REALLY want do harm, they CAN.
what do you expect? the whole US living in permanent fear for attacks? that the government makes a fortress of the whole country? military personel on every harbor, every airport, every border?

enjoy living in such a country then.
erm...I don't get your point, Shadow...I was just rolling the eyes because it's supposed to show sarcasm. As for the fortress mentality you speak of, I'm one of the guys that would be on the wall, so I know for a fact that it wouldn't work. ;)
oops, misread your post then...i thought by the rolleyes you thought it would be sensible to beef up security in the us harbours as well :)
If we've identified them, and know they are Al Qeada, why are they still floating?
thats what i was thinking PT. lets pack our bags and do the deed to these guys.
An ocean freighter packed with explosives would take out the entire island of Manhattan. Figure about 1000 tons of TNT. Also, there's plenty of coastline and ocean to hide in. You'd have to know their exact course, speed, and probable destination. The only way to defend against such an attack is to spot them when they were off the coast, and send a few destroyers or subs to greet them.
a megaton of traditional explosives wouldn't have nearly the same impact as a nuke. Its damn hard to get a big stack to pop in just that special pressure wave to play building dominoes.
1000 tons of tnt doesnt sound like easy cargo to obtain, even for a diabolical international terrorist organization
Actually run of the mill fertilizer and Diesel fuel packs a pretty good punch. That's what was used in Ok a few years back, and it fit in a Ryder Truck. Can you imagine a Freighter full of it?
unclehobart said:
a megaton of traditional explosives wouldn't have nearly the same impact as a nuke. Its damn hard to get a big stack to pop in just that special pressure wave to play building dominoes.

Trust me...the pressure wave is just as powerful. Otherwise, they wouldn't classify nukes in megaton equivalents. ;)

nnewton said:
1000 tons of tnt doesnt sound like easy cargo to obtain, even for a diabolical international terrorist organization

They can make the stuff just as easily as buy it. All they need is time and the right ingredients. BTW...if you knew how much tonnage of hazardous materials were plying the sea lanes right now, you'd probably faint.