

molṑn labé
Staff member

now, (drum roll please)


The law will give the government new powers to break up companies that threaten the economy

At an eye-glazing 390,000 words — half the size of the King James Bible — the legislation doesn't offer a quick remedy

If I understand, the wording is such that "any threat to the economy" is a legitimate target. So, if the President doesn't like MSNBC, and they report numbers that don't fall in line with the governments, can they take it over?

Welcome to our nightmare.
No not now but soon...

Their arrogance knows no bounds
and you have the audacity to think
an election can change any of this?

We are not going to be saved by Barbie.


“Authority should derive from the consent of the governed, not from the threat of force!”

Horse puckey Mao was right: Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.


now, (drum roll please)



If I understand, the wording is such that "any threat to the economy" is a legitimate target. So, if the President doesn't like MSNBC, and they report numbers that don't fall in line with the governments, can they take it over?

Welcome to our nightmare.

Best fix your link, Gonz. Nowhere in the article does it mention what you're talking about...nor are those pull-=quotes from that article. The link'd article is about putting regulation back in place for the banking and finance centers in order to prevent another fiscal meltdown.
it's massive doom encroaching on our quality legwear!!!

golly, it will be horrible when banks can't risk our economy by putting money they don't have in 87 virtual places at once.

nah, we should let them do whatever they want and take whatever risks with a system of finance we all rely on. we should also just open the doors at every prison and let those folks run amok too.
All I got out of that article was there is to be yet another federal agency overseeing a law that isn't completely fleshed out yet and doesn't create any new jobs but does add yet another layer of bureaucracy and, more than likely, corporate expense will be passed along to the consumer.
cough up your share

If a bank which is really a private business
mismanages itself into insolvency it won’t be around to
continue to foul things up.

I will give you folks this:
the Feds have put the American taxpayer on the hook
to the tune of 150 trillion dollars of bad debt
so by extension should be in charge of how things
should be run.

yes we are Doomed.
Re: cough up your share

If a bank which is really a private business

Say it ain't so!!!!! What about Citi & BofA?

Yes, Bish, I quoted directly from the story. Glad to see AP covering its tracks.

Damn Minks, you really have become one of them.

For those of you opposed to the Patriot Act, what do you think of the new ability for goernment to oversee every transaction made?
All your credit card bills are now belong to them. Same as your checks & EFTs.