NUDE Dining Anyone???

Even if I had a couple doubles, I don't think I could go in public was an interesting article i thought though....I don't think i'd want to have a 65 yr old man walking past me having to go to the bathroom after eating.... :errrr:
MrBishop said:

40 nude geeks and geeklets in one room :D

I'm not a geeklet. Granted, I am not so pretty nekkid, but I am not a geeklet either. I am not quite smart enough. I prefer the term dorklet.
Mare said:
Even if I had a couple doubles, I don't think I could go in public was an interesting article i thought though....I don't think i'd want to have a 65 yr old man walking past me having to go to the bathroom after eating.... :errrr:

I agree. I for one am not really liking the idea of a 65 year old nekkid man wearing a genital bracelt.
psst, BoP, it'd actually be real easy, just capture whoever has to guard all their clothes and take his place, then take off with them while they're all eating. Would make it real hard for them to leave, too. :D
Gonz said:
In response to Tonksys response: Nah, they're just fat, hairy & gross. They may be comfortable in their abundant skin but they're making the rest of us nauseous.


My desire for gorgeous women to be nudists isn't stemming from my own lack of content of my body... stems from me wanting to see gorgeous women naked instead of grandmas.
why does seeing someone naked have to be sexual? you might look at naked granny and not be turned on by what you see. fine. that's not the point that nudists are tryin to make. they aren't necessarily sex craved deviants. they just like to be naked. i love to be naked, it's the most comfortable way to be and i respect the nudists for having the balls (bad pun) to gather with other people who feel the same way and be naked together. i have a horrible body image that would keep me from doing it nice to rise above that.
Why does disgust have to translate into lack of sexual appeal? There is something wholly unappealing about a stomach that flops over the knees. Or enough back hair to make a wig. Boobs that look like quarter filled potato sacks.

Nudity is context.
Gonz said:
Why does disgust have to translate into lack of sexual appeal? There is something wholly unappealing about a stomach that flops over the knees. Or enough back hair to make a wig. Boobs that look like quarter filled potato sacks.

Nudity is context.

Get out of my head.


You're right. Nudity doesn't solely have to be about sexual appeal but it should be atleast about something one can stand.

Nudists are openminded, I agree but that doesn't mean everyone is openminded about their mishaped flesh....In the western society clothing is a huge part of our culture and since lack of it is associated with sexual intentions, one expects some sort of aesthetic gratification upon removal of clothing....not a hairy beer belly or sagging boobs.

If I was raised in France i'd think differently, but I wasn't.

also because Hollywood preapproves who should be naked on film my expectations of naked people are eskewed and shallow.
IDLEchild said:
Get out of my head.


You're right. Nudity doesn't solely have to be about sexual appeal but it should be atleast about something one can stand.

Nudists are openminded, I agree but that doesn't mean everyone is openminded about their mishaped flesh....In the western society clothing is a huge part of our culture and since lack of it is associated with sexual intentions, one expects some sort of aesthetic gratification upon removal of clothing....not a hairy beer belly or sagging boobs.

If I was raised in France i'd think differently, but I wasn't.

also because Hollywood preapproves who should be naked on film my expectations of naked people are eskewed and shallow.
i do understand your point of view...i, naturally would like to look at fine specimens of the human body but those are by no means the only body type i like and am comfortable with. i suppose i just understand the feeling of being comfortable naked.
Wait a minute. I just figured out what the problem is. Tonksy had bad vision. Go look at some nudists now that you can see & you'll wish the surgery hadn't worked :D