MrBishop said:Mare,
40 nude geeks and geeklets in one room
Mare said:Even if I had a couple doubles, I don't think I could go in public was an interesting article i thought though....I don't think i'd want to have a 65 yr old man walking past me having to go to the bathroom after eating....
Gonz said:In response to Tonksys response: Nah, they're just fat, hairy & gross. They may be comfortable in their abundant skin but they're making the rest of us nauseous.
Gonz said:Why does disgust have to translate into lack of sexual appeal? There is something wholly unappealing about a stomach that flops over the knees. Or enough back hair to make a wig. Boobs that look like quarter filled potato sacks.
Nudity is context.
i do understand your point of view...i, naturally would like to look at fine specimens of the human body but those are by no means the only body type i like and am comfortable with. i suppose i just understand the feeling of being comfortable naked.IDLEchild said:Get out of my head.
You're right. Nudity doesn't solely have to be about sexual appeal but it should be atleast about something one can stand.
Nudists are openminded, I agree but that doesn't mean everyone is openminded about their mishaped flesh....In the western society clothing is a huge part of our culture and since lack of it is associated with sexual intentions, one expects some sort of aesthetic gratification upon removal of clothing....not a hairy beer belly or sagging boobs.
If I was raised in France i'd think differently, but I wasn't.
also because Hollywood preapproves who should be naked on film my expectations of naked people are eskewed and shallow.