Nugent is a bigger windbag than I previously thought


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Facing a draft, Nugent bravely wet his pants

Rocker is all talk as he calls Obama, Hillary vile names

August 27, 2007
BY RICHARD ROEPER Sun-Times Columnist
So Ted Nugent roams a concert stage while toting automatic weapons, calls Barack Obama "a piece of -----" and says he told Obama to suck on one of his machine-guns. He also calls Hillary Clinton a "worthless bitch" and Dianne Feinstein a "worthless whore."

That Nugent, he's a man's man. He talks the talk and walks the walk, right?

Except when it was time to register for the draft during the Vietnam era. By his own admission, Nugent stopped all forms of personal hygiene for a month and showed up for his draft board physical in pants caked with his own urine and feces, winning a deferment. Creative!

Ah, but that was a long time ago. Nugent isn't just a washed-up rocker -- he's a right-wing madman who's not afraid to call out some of the leading Democrats in language so vile it makes the Dixie Chick Natalie Maines' comments about President Bush sound like a love poem.

You'd think even someone such as Sean Hannity would dismiss Nugent as a macho clown, desperate for attention.

Yeah, right.

In a discussion on his show last week, Hannity refused to condemn Nugent's remarks, saying, "I like Ted Nugent . . . he's a friend of mine," and even laughing loudly as Alan Colmes read the transcript of some of Nugent's remarks.

Funny. I don't remember Hannity being so cavalier about the Dixie Chicks went they criticized Bush.

Not that he's operating under a double standard or anything.,CST-NWS-roep27.article
eh same as radicals on the other end, and now it's not ok huh?

I don't understand why what's good for the goose, isn't good for the gander.

I don't like a Whole bunch of what some celebs say, not a fan of this, but
I and a Big fan of Free Speech, so I tolerate, an don't listen, or dismiss
what is more intolerable.

Don't make me pull quotes from the other end, because there Way more ammo there.:nerd:
I apologize for my assumptions on your part:blush: I know better.

that said, there are those Making a big deal of it, so I'll re-direct to them....
like Bob Beckel of foxnews.
He's an American in America. He has the right to say those things. Many of us have said things like that about various people throughout our lives. I just don't give a shit. What Ted Nugent has to say about today's political candidates is totally irrelevant, so why bother reporting it? Was there no political corruption, no criminals going free after a too-short stay in jail, no teachers not being able to teach, no diseases not being cured that couldn't have been reported on instead? I mean really...the guy had some good songs out a long time ago. I have several of them on my computer and iPod. That doesn't mean his political comments are important.
i hate the whole you-dont-have-the-right-to-enjoy-our-american-freedoms -or-complain-about-our-american-government- unless-you'd-go-into-the-military argument.... that doesn't seem to be the largest issue in this thread, but it does drive me crazy.

on the other note... pretty much what jjr said.... what the nuge says about anything doesn't really matter, no more than what my coworker or neighbor or mailman does.

lol, my biggest problem with him is not what he says, but how he says it. vulgar namecalling isn't the most effective way to get one's point across. for that, i wag my finger at him :(
I remember one night many years ago Tedly and Kirk Douglas were on Letterman doing some sort of spot for the NRA. It was the first and only time I've seen Ted Quiet. He just kinda watched Douglas all night and nodded his head. Yeah Ted's obnoxious and a bit over the top, but I personally appreciate all the things he does to promote taking your kid and someone elses kid off the street and take them out hunting or some other outdoor sport to prevent them from doing drugs or some other not so bright things.
I actually read that original article (Creem I believe) about Teds deferment. Sounded like BS then & it sounds like it now. Over the top bravada, as Ted is famous for.

Funny. I don't remember Hannity being so cavalier about the Dixie Chicks went they criticized Bush.
Ted has been spewing political rhetoric from the stage & off the stage for over 20 years. He is a vulgar, profane entertainer (also see Robin Williams, Richard Pryor, et al) who is in no position of power & is talkin gto an American audience in America. He wasn't in Britain, calling the Commander in Chief stupid during a time of war.

Just wait until he runs for, and wins the Governors seat in Michigan. I wonder if he'll wear his loincloth to press conferences?
BTW, I'm not knocking the Nuge. I'm just saying he was extreme before extreme was cool. :cool:

I saw his show on New Year's Eve in the Omni in Atlanta in 1976 ('77?). Back when he would climb the stacks of amps (stacks!) while playing and jump off and never miss a lick. My ears are still ringing. :lloyd:
I think, spike's point still stands. Nugent, is a blowhard, a windbag, and a hypocrite as well. I am sure Teddy-boy would sling mud at Billy-boy Clinton for dodging the draft, if he thought he could hide what he did when it was time to fight for the country he pretends to love. He's pretty much an irrelavent has been anyway.

But it does clearly show a lot of hypocrisy. When the Dixie Chicks exercise their freedom of speech, as they have the right to, according to conservatives like Hannity, they "ought to be ashamed", but when idiot boy Ted (and he has made of ass of himself publicly with a frequency and intensity that is astonishing), makes comments about a distingushed US politician, and goes farther, even hinting at a wish to see violence done to Obama, well then, it's his right, and it's cute, because he's a political dupe of the conservatives....As much as Nugent sickens me, I'll concede he has the right to speak his mind, feeble as it is, but the Dixie Chicks have that right just the same.

Most conservatives are all about free speech until it disagrees with their viewpoint....
I actually read that original article (Creem I believe) about Teds deferment. Sounded like BS then & it sounds like it now. Over the top bravada, as Ted is famous for.

he also did an interview that was printed in the detroit free press sunday magazine in the 80s. said the same shit. he's a draft dodger all right. now he's telling some story that, instead of that "stopped all forms of hygiene to make the army doctors think (he) was crazy, he sought a student deferment (sp?) by enrolling in oakland community college AKA only chance college and funny enough the place where i started after gradiatin' from HS with a fabulous 1.8 outta 4 point GPA.

in any case his hawkish "commando" rhetoric sounds quite ridiculous from someone who intentionally avoided military service. yep. when it really counted, ted pussed out.
Entertainers should entertain, and stick to entertaining politicians should politic.

I am tired of seeing actors musicians using their fame to preach down to the rest of us. And that goes for liberals as well as conservatives. If you have a charity or cause to promote, fine, using the stage is how you can help out, but stay the hell out of politics.
Entertainers should entertain, and stick to entertaining politicians should politic.

I am tired of seeing actors musicians using their fame to preach down to the rest of us. And that goes for liberals as well as conservatives. If you have a charity or cause to promote, fine, using the stage is how you can help out, but stay the hell out of politics.

I have never done this before but... QFT
Conservatives are all about free speech so long as it agrees with them....

so, would you like a list of people I've disagreed with, but have Not railed on?

or would you care to split up the different levels of "conservatism"?
I love that ... the only thing people can find to attack about a man is something he did thirty years ago. And was never covered up, but was in fact common knowledge for the past thirty years. Publicly stated in a High Times interview in '77. In fact, the only proof that that even happened is his own statement. A statement he's recently recanted. But then, given his 'market' at the time ... he never would have said anything like that for publicity reasons, would he???? Or even his market now??

How old was he then? 20? 22? Dripping hot chicks, as famous as Jesus. I can't think of anyone who wouldn't have gone outta their way to avoid the draft if they thought they could get away with it, can you? But Heaven forbid anyone learn from their past, eh? Unless it's a drug conviction. Those mistakes are always excusable.
I love that ... the only thing people can find to attack about a man is something he did thirty years ago.

Oh that's funny. Sure, nobody could find anything since. :rofl3:

Unless it's a drug conviction. Those mistakes are always excusable.

So you're excusing him for doing meth before his military physical too?