Nuke Bush

35? Ok, I was close. I'd imagine we could find us a few good candidates for that job if we really tried.
PuterTutor said:
35? Ok, I was close. I'd imagine we could find us a few good candidates for that job if we really tried.

Yeah, but would big business like them enough to back them? :D
Aunty Em said:
PuterTutor said:
35? Ok, I was close. I'd imagine we could find us a few good candidates for that job if we really tried.

Yeah, but would big business like them enough to back them? :D
Oh, I'm sure they wouldn't.
No, they don't. If you can't get some major backing in this country, you don't have a chance.
you tell us, Kuu... women are over half of the population. All they have to do is organize into a mass voting block ... and the most powerful country on the planet becomes a gynocracy overnight.
probably just misread my tone. I meant no mocking or ferocity behind it... just laying out a simple fact of the balance of powers structure within democratic governments. I too find it a little puzzling that all world wide nations that have a popular vote electoral process simply have far less women in top government ranks. Its probably only like 10-15% of all positions in the Senate and House. Women by far have the largest voting block of all. If they would just rally up a bit, they could turn it all up on its ear in less than 5 years.
It's quite simple really. The women in this country have been told for 250 years to let the men handle it, and the fact is, there are still a great deal of women out there that believe that. It really surprises me as much as women have become equals in some aspects of our society, they are still the "weaker" sex. Some by their own choice, but I believe most simply because they have been told that they are for the majority of their lives.
... which all wraps back to Kuu asking how long we have to wait for a female prez.

I guess the answer is that the older generations of subservient women have to faze out and allow for the recent socio equal ranks to filter through.
Dubya needed to reiterate our stance of being unafraid of using nuclear weapons. It's not what he said it's who heard it (terrorists who think we're weak & won't level their homeland)