obviously you haven't read much beyond your talking points.No, what she was talking about was "Healthcare reform does not include "take away my healthcare, cradle to grave"
Since nobody is trying to take away her healthcare or anyone else's that makes her a liar or an idiot or both.
once again...it depends on what 'it' is.
certainly not any of the current legislation on the backroom tables.
link to what?
You made a claim. I thought maybe you had some reason for that claim.
mayhaps Sipikey isn't aware that Pelagosi
has already reneged on the agreement to make the final bill
available for a grand 72 hours before it's voted on?
A 2,000 page law that we don't want
Most Americans do want it.
Is the bill up for vote in less than 72 hours?
Most Americans do want it.
Proof numbers, verification!!!
I demand evidence!
You must substantiate your wild assed claim!!!!!
What world are you living in that you continue to try to deny these FACTS?