NY hates the rich


molṑn labé
Staff member
notice how many of the stories regarding the worst scenarios are from the states shaded in blue? ;)

The (NY) Legislature by Friday expects to approve a $93 billion budget that targets single residents who earn more than $100,000 a year with a 7.5 percent tax surcharge. Many of the nation's millionaires live in New York City, and people whose incomes top $500,000 a year will pay a 7.7 percent surcharge.

G4 said:
I´m about to cry. Poooor rich people.
By the time they get done with it in the legislature, there'll be so many holes in it it won't matter anyway.
I have to agree with Jeslek here. It's a socialistic philosophy that those who can should provide for those who can't or don't... and one I don't completely agree with. There is no moral justification for such legislation. Taxes on the rich are bad enough already... they should be LOWERED if anything.

...ducks before the Bush haters chop my head off.
outside looking in said:
ducks before the Bush haters chop my head off.
I think Bush is a useless git, but I won't chop your head off. I absolutely agree with you except for one thing. They have to get the money from somewhere, do you want them to raise taxes on the poor? I know a lot of people here think that charity should be privately funded, and I would agree with that if there were any evidence at all that it worked. How much did you give last year?
Taxes on the rich are bad enough already... they should be LOWERED if anything.
Taxes on the not-so-rich should be lowered if anything.
Maybe socialistic type blasphemy but I tend to feel more simpathy towards the not-so-lucky. Not that I want the rich squeezed dry or anything...
Just an opinion ;)
chcr said:
How much did you give last year?
10% of my income.
chcr said:
and I would agree with that if there were any evidence at all that it worked.
Show me evidence that it doesn't work.
G4 said:
Taxes on the not-so-rich should be lowered if anything.
They already pay very little.

It is this fucked up thing of the neo-communists called stealing from those that have to give to those that have not. I hate it.
Jeslek said:
Show me evidence that it doesn't work.
Richest country in the world, there are people who are starving, people who can't get health care, people without a place to live....

Jeslek said:
They already pay very little.
My wife and I pay roughly one third of our annual income in taxes. The rich generally pay a much smaller percentage.
Y'see Q, when it works in their favor, it's okay, whether or not they agree with it. Come to think of it, I kinda feel the same way. :D
chcr said:
there are people who are starving, people who can't get health care, people without a place to live....

Incorect assumption. Virtually nobody in this country starves...hell eating out of a McDonalds dumpster is better than 90% of the worlds truly piss poor can hope for on a great day.

Healthcare is made available to every person in this country. Some just choose not to buy the upgrade.

Homeless is a choice in almost every single instance. The few that slip through the cracks have options.
Gonz said:
Healthcare is made available to every person in this country. Some just choose not to buy the upgrade.
Gonz, I don't wish ill on anyone (well, hardly anyone, okay, not on you!) But you need to get fired and try to get health insurance on your own. I used to do personnel, and it generally costs you 2.5 times what you pay while your working for a company to keep your health insurance if you quit, are fired or are laid off. Let me think, should I feed the kids, or let them see the doctor for their malnutrition.

Believe it are not, there are rural areas in America. Many of them don't have MacDonald's or Hardee's or whatever. If the garden doesn't make it, they go hungry.

It's easy to talk about solving these and other problems, my problem is, I don't see anyone doing it (not even me).

And Jeslek, you gave your 10% to your church, right? What did they do with it? And just what was your income last year, and how much did you pay for rent, utilities and food?

Now, I'm not saying that the government is doing a wonderful job here because they clearly are not. I just don't see the point of suggesting change without a viable alternative.
As a matter of fact, we've looked into it. For my wife & son-mines free from work, I pay for theirs. It costs less than 10% more than what we're paying now. The only dis-advantage is the pre-existing conditions. It's still be tossed around...I like the tax advantages of a payroll deduction.

chcr said:
there are rural areas in America.

Lord knows the homeless population is atrocious in Bumfucked NE.