NY Yankees


New Member
8 games under .500 with the largest payroll in baseball. What gives? Is the whole organization one giant prima-donna that can't function cohesively or what? The Marlins are only 2 games off of .500 with a miniscule payroll.

Thank god for the Royals. They are the only thing that makes the Rangers look good. This must be the 15th year of the 5 year rebuilding plan.
On the lighter side of sports:

It turned out that basketball has become some ho-hum that the tv ratings for the playoff action was less than the three hour rain delay segment of the Indi 500 this last sunday. What a hoot.
HAven't paid one iota of attention this year. Sad but true. LIving in hicksville surrounded by Cubs & Tigers & Reds, oh my.
Thank god for the Royals. They are the only thing that makes the Rangers look good. This must be the 15th year of the 5 year rebuilding plan.

Check the standings lately? The Rangers have the worst record in all of baseball. They beat Oakland 4-0 last night, and it's the first time in weeks I've seen them field, pitch and get a timely hit all in the same game.
On the lighter side of sports:

It turned out that basketball has become some ho-hum that the tv ratings for the playoff action was less than the three hour rain delay segment of the Indi 500 this last sunday. What a hoot.

That's because everybody knows that the championship series has already been played and Phoenix got fucked out of it.
Nice to see the Jays beat the Yankees. Turns out A-Rod likes the bitches in TO. Got caught going back to his hotel with a blonde and it wasn't his wife.
I keep waiting for the Falcons to suspend Micheal Vick and leave us in the hands of Joey 'can't find his asshole with both hands and a roadmap' Harrington.
He don't need to find his ass. He needs to find his fucking throwing arm which is something Vick can't seem to do.
A little bit of trivia... Harrington was the second quarterback taken in the 2002 draft. The first was David Carr.