NY Yankees

It's always amazing to me. I'm usually so good at what I do, but somehow, I'm a total failure at giving a damn.
Well shuck my corn. The Yankmees have won 9 straight and are starting to tread above the .500 mark.

While my beloved Red Sox are sucking it big time. How the hell does an AL team manage to lose 2 of 3 to a lowly NL team??? Oh well, I guess I can start looking forward to the Patriots again....
Yer chowder-headed, bean-eatin' bastards are doomed, doomed I tell ya!!!!

Couldn't agree more about the NL though. :thumbup:

Hey, at least we eat real chowda in Red Sox nation. I'll never get used to that red crap they serve around here. it's just so... wrong...

And yeah, just like every other year, we are probably doomed. Just let me get my hopes up, will yeah??
Sub .500 going into the All-Star break for the first time in 12 years. tsk.

Since A-Rod is leading in dingers and RBI's... are they booing him as much this year?
A-scrod is definitely not being booed as much this year. People still aren't really happy with him cause they are wondering why this production couldn't have been had in the past... darn those contract years...
It's not really a contract year, though... he can opt out after this year, but his contract runs through 2010.