Oakland may declare state of emergency over police staffing

Aw shucks Alfie is right
the wanna be toughs from Oakland
would be ass-raped and sent packin'
in her bad hoods.
Oakland looks real pretty there.

I was suprised last night to find out how bored our cops are here. I called them last night about this creepy guy who walks along with the children daily after school. Just wanted a little presence there for awhile, cause I don't *know* that his motivations are evil, it's just weird. Anyway, they're sending a car today to talk to the principal, they're sending one car after school to talk to a group of parents (my friends and I), and another to patrol up and down the 3 block stretch.

wow. I just wanted a drive by every day or two :lloyd:
totally off topic... i got attacked bedbugs in SF a couple months ago. seeing that picture of the city made me think of the four red welts, two of which were on my face. and this was in a decent hotel.
well according to my canadian proto-wife, americans just love to sue, so hey, maybe i will. then of course i should do the other american thing, and shoot the fuckers. i mean the bedbugs of course. rambo style. shirtless and unshaven. but without the usual butt-plug.
Cuervo Jones: You may have survived Cleveland. You may have escaped from New York. But, this is L.A., vato.
And, you're about to find out that this fu**ing city can kill anybody!
I technically lived in Clovis, too, but as far as anyone was concerned I was in Fresno. I learned to live with it.