Obama Administration OKs First Tax-Funded Abortions Under Health Care Law


Well-Known Member
by Steven Ertelt
LifeNews.com Editor
July 13, 2010

Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- The Obama administration has officially approved the first instance of taxpayer funded abortions under the new national government-run health care program. This is the kind of abortion funding the pro-life movement warned about when Congress considered the bill.

The Obama Administration will give Pennsylvania $160 million to set up a new "high-risk" insurance program under a provision of the federal health care legislation enacted in March.

It has quietly approved a plan submitted by an appointee of pro-abortion Governor Edward Rendell under which the new program will cover any abortion that is legal in Pennsylvania.

The high-risk pool program is one of the new programs created by the sweeping health care legislation, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, President Obama signed into law on March 23. The law authorizes $5 billion in federal funds for the program, which will cover as many as 400,000 people when it is implemented nationwide.

"The Obama Administration will give Pennsylvania $160 million in federal tax funds, which we've discovered will pay for insurance plans that cover any legal abortion," said Douglas Johnson, legislative director for the National Right to Life Committee.

Johnson told LifeNews.com: "This is just the first proof of the phoniness of President Obama's assurances that federal funds would not subsidize abortion -- but it will not be the last."

"President Obama successfully opposed including language in the bill to prevent federal subsidies for abortions, and now the Administration is quietly advancing its abortion-expanding agenda through administrative decisions such as this, which they hope will escape broad public attention," Johnson said.

The abortion funding comes despite language in the bill that some pro-abortion Democrats and Obama himself claimed would prevent abortion funding and despite a controversial executive order Obama signed supposedly stopping abortion funding.

The pro-life community strongly opposed the executive order and said Rep. Bart Stupak and other House Democrats who voted for the pro-abortion health care bill in exchange for it were selling out their pro-life principles. This first case of forcing taxpayers to pay for abortions under the new law appears to prove them right that the bill language and executive order were ineffective.

Proving the point further that the abortion funding comes from federal taxpayer dollars, Johnson explained that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has emphasized that the high-risk pool program is a federal program and that the states will not incur any cost.

On May 11, 2010, in a letter to Democratic and Republican congressional leaders on implementation of the new law, DHHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius wrote that “states may choose whether and how they participate in the program, which is funded entirely by the federal government.”

Johnson says that on June 28, Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner Joel Ario (a member of the appointed cabinet of Governor Edward Rendell, a Democrat) issued a press release announcing that the federal Department of Health and Human Services had approved his agency's proposal for implementing the new program in Pennsylvania.

"The state will receive $160 million to set up the program, which will provide coverage to as many as 5,600 people between now and 2014," according to the release. "The plan's benefit package will include preventive care, physician services, diagnostic testing, hospitalization, mental health services, prescription medications and much more, with subsidized premiums of $283 a month."

Johnson says the "much more" Ario refers to is abortion funding.

The section on abortion (see page 14) asserts that "elective abortions are not covered," though it does not define elective -- which Johnson calls a "red herring."

The proposal specifies coverage "includes only abortions and contraceptives that satisfy the requirements of" several specific statutes, the most pertinent of which is 18 Pa. C.S. § 3204, which says abortion is legal in Pennsylvania. The statute essentially says all abortions except those to determine the sex of the baby are legal.

"Under the Rendell-Sebelius plan, federal funds will subsidize coverage of abortion performed for any reason, except sex selection," said NRLC's Johnson. "The Pennsylvania proposal conspicuously lacks language that would prevent funding of abortions performed as a method of birth control or for any other reason, except sex selection -- and the Obama Administration has now approved this."

we'll all pay more for fatties... and idiots to go through rehab.

The way I read that is: the government is interfering in private insurance coverage,
mandating what must be covered.

Your contention that we will all pay more may be valid as private insurance
is driven out of business and only the very few remain privately insured.

Why remain with a private insurer when faced by a three fold premium
increase the government option is ”free”?

How long before the first persons are jailed for not having insurance?
nah, we don't need to jail people for not having insurance and running up big bills at the rest of our expense when they show up desperate in the ER. but perhaps we should bring back debtor's prison.
hmmm... how's the german economy doing (and i don't mean at this very moment with the recession and all, but how it has developed in a broad sense over recent decades)?
nah, we don't need to jail people for not having insurance

You're right, we don't. However, it is the law of the land.

Winky is right, too. This is set up to begin thinning the herd of the private insurance carriers. Remember, (more it's the law) one chnage in your insurance & its invalidated.
Osama OKs Tax-Funded murder of more black babies

I don't care aboot the tiny Canadian or German economies.
We are concerned with the number one economy on earth.

Now we all can go to county hospital (free clinic)
for our surgeries. Will the Feds provide
Engrish lessons to be able to understand the Paki doctor
the Obammie administration assigned us?
Obama Administration pushes further destruction of the economy.

China so what?
They aren't even close to being the same catagory as Canada or Germany.

Why would I write paragraph after paragraph explaining why this is so,
only to have you say neener neener that isn’t so?

I have been hearing for 30 years how the ChiComs are going to become the number one
economy in the world. I’m confident that over the next 30 years
those that don’t know anything will continue to mouth this fallacy
while China is just an also ran.

When you and I look at this table we see two different things
because we see the world from opposite ends of the spectrum.

What do you see?

List of countries by GDP

If you don't make a country out of the EU things look quite a bit different.