Obama appoints still one more tax cheat -- er -- common error offender

When did McDonalds start checking to see if all your taxes were paid up?

I dunno about in your neck of the woods, but up here, McD (by law) takes your social insurance number and registers with the Revenuers ... and does a criminal background check.

R-J said:
I am sure you see it a whole different way Jim, but I find it refreshing to have a man in office willing to admit mistakes

Refreshing ... perhaps. Worrying that he's already having to do so so early in his reign? Definitely. But more important than the fact that these two slipped through whatever screening process exists ... is the idea that these mistakes were made when he's got all the time in the world to make these decisions ... and this is what he and his advisors (handlers) came up with. How many more 'mistakes' will be 'admitted to' when he's under pressure and has to make world changing choices in a rush?
....Refreshing ... perhaps. Worrying that he's already having to do so so early in his reign? Definitely. But more important than the fact that these two slipped through whatever screening process exists ... is the idea that these mistakes were made when he's got all the time in the world to make these decisions ... and this is what he and his advisors (handlers) came up with. How many more 'mistakes' will be 'admitted to' when he's under pressure and has to make world changing choices in a rush?

WOW, an actual intelligible, well reasoned and polite response! My hat is off to you sir!

I disagree, just because of the fact that it's a matter of something that Daschle wanted to hide obviously, it is a mistake that will not have serious repercussions, and it shows an effort at integrity. I think he will do fine in more serious situations, but it does remain to be seen. I hope he does, but the possibility that you posed isn't ridiculous like almost all of what people on this board are saying.

The Obama Drama around here is thick, and there is definitely some kind of derangement syndrome with some folks around here. But thank you professor, I may sound sarcastic, but it's sincere, because while I enjoy the mad lunatic rantings, it is refreshing to see reason expressed here.
I dunno about in your neck of the woods, but up here, McD (by law) takes your social insurance number and registers with the Revenuers ... and does a criminal background check.

Refreshing ... perhaps. Worrying that he's already having to do so so early in his reign? Definitely. But more important than the fact that these two slipped through whatever screening process exists ... is the idea that these mistakes were made when he's got all the time in the world to make these decisions ... and this is what he and his advisors (handlers) came up with. How many more 'mistakes' will be 'admitted to' when he's under pressure and has to make world changing choices in a rush?
I find it more hopeful than worrying. It's also refreshing to see some of these people withdraw rather than trying to brazen it out. It's almost as if they understand that the country is, perhaps, more important than the individual.
I find it more hopeful than worrying. It's also refreshing to see some of these people withdraw rather than trying to brazen it out. It's almost as if they understand that the country is, perhaps, more important than the individual.

More likely they want to get back out of the limelight before someone demands they do the jail time associated with tax evasion. My kids generally own up to their misdeeds ... when faced with the evidence.
I find it more hopeful than worrying. It's also refreshing to see some of these people withdraw rather than trying to brazen it out. It's almost as if they understand that the country is, perhaps, more important than the individual.

am i to assume you think they withdrew for the good of the country?

i politely disagree, and then i disagree not so politely. i think we both know why they withdrew, and it aint the rhythm method
One more for the pile. Seems that he should at least pay more attention to who he's hiring than McDonalds, wouldn't ya think?

oh hes paying attention all right. no question. paying close attention.

the question is, who is he paying attention to? the people, the party, the lobbyists or the special interests who financed his campaign?

it appears we have our answer
am i to assume you think they withdrew for the good of the country?

i politely disagree, and then i disagree not so politely. i think we both know why they withdrew, and it aint the rhythm method

They withdrew because they weren't suitable candidates for whatever reason. How many other candidates in the past (regardless of who might have been in power at the time) have stuck with it regardless? No, I don't think they did it for the good of the country as much as for the good of the current administration, but the point is that they put something ahead of their personal ambitions. Been a long time since I've seen that in American politics. A very long time.
I dunno about in your neck of the woods, but up here, McD (by law) takes your social insurance number and registers with the Revenuers ... and does a criminal background check.

Right, the taxes these people owed would not show up if you did that.
Right, the taxes these people owed would not show up if you did that.

The Associated Press disclosed that in 2005 the District of Columbia government had filed a more than $900 tax lien on her home for failure to pay unemployment compensation tax on household help.

I'd think that would well have shown up. Anyone handling cash has to have a clean credit. I know both Bish and I under went such checks when we worked in the hotels. It definitely would have show up on a rental background check. Although I'll allow that perhaps your McDonalds aren't legally able to obtain as much information about their potential hires as Canuckistani ones can.
Somehow, I think they had a little help in deciding to withdraw.

On 9/11, President Bush learned of disaster while reading “The Pet Goat” to grade-school kids. On Tuesday, President Obama escaped from disaster by reading “The Moon Over Star” to grade-school kids.

“We were just tired of being in the White House,” the two-week-old president, with Michelle at his side, explained to students at a public charter school near the White House.

It took Daschle’s resignation to shake the president out of his arrogant attitude that his charmed circle doesn’t have to abide by the lofty standards he lectured the rest of us about for two years.

Before he recanted, his hand forced by a cascade of appointees who “forgot” to pay taxes, his reasoning was creeping perilously close to that of the outgoing leaders he denounced in his Inaugural Address: that elitist mentality of “we know best,” we know we’re doing the “right” thing for the country, so we can twist the rules.
The sheen is already coming off the Obama presidency.

The problem is, a pattern is emerging. The new treasury secretary, Timothy Geithner – who oversees the Internal Revenue Service, America's equivalent of the H M Revenue and Customs – apologised profusely for failing to pay $34,000 in taxes and survived. Yesterday, Nancy Killefer, who was to be federal "chief performance officer", stood down for failing to pay employment taxes for her house cleaner. Now Mr Obama has been forced to jettison Mr Daschle, an early supporter who provided key staff and access to an invaluable political network. The loss of two nominees in a single day will inevitably raise questions over his judgment.


The dems are apologizing, cutting their own legislation, running scared, and throwing each other under the bus.

Jimmah Carter is thrilled to know he will soon be worst president in history #2.
Buh, buh, but......one is from the New York Times, that sacred bastion of liberalism.

An, an, and the other is a member of "the world" as in "we need to show the world how we will "change" by voting in change.

What's wrong with a little input from the sources you trusted in the past administration?
ive decided not to pay my taxes this year so i can get a cabinet post too

oops...i mean...i might commit a common error and forget to pay my taxes

Buh, buh, but......one is from the New York Times

An opinion pice is an opinion piece no matter the source. I really can't fathom how you actually think you're proving anything by spending all your time looking up the opinions of other people that you hope agree with you.

Maybe try some factual material for a little switch?

What's wrong with a little input from the sources you trusted in the past administration?

When did I trust opinion pieces as proof of anything? You seem a little confused.
ive decided not to pay my taxes this year so i can get a cabinet post too

oops...i mean...i might commit a common error and forget to pay my taxes


Well we already knew you were against paying taxes. One of those laws you don't favor enforcing I suppose.
They withdrew because they weren't suitable candidates for whatever reason. How many other candidates in the past (regardless of who might have been in power at the time) have stuck with it regardless? No, I don't think they did it for the good of the country as much as for the good of the current administration, but the point is that they put something ahead of their personal ambitions. Been a long time since I've seen that in American politics. A very long time.

Trent Lott & Tom DeLay.

Both stepped aside....one complettely without reason, the other still hasn't seen a courtroom.