Obama camp caught lying -- AGAIN

That's quite the slanted opinion piece you posted. I think most people already realize what's bad for America is the current administration.

Sorry you don't like the facts the author cited. Don't you want to see a wide range of information before you choose the next leader of the free world?

In fact, "liberal" and "conservative" can be useful (if incomplete) monikers – a shorthand way of describing where an individual stands on issues and, as importantly, their political philosophy. They are an indicator of a person's underlying assumptions, the propositions they embrace or reject. Mr. Obama's effort to present himself as a post-ideological figure is an effort to avoid an important national debate.

Here, I found you a source more to your liking---CBS---carrying a story from the nonpartisan National Journal:

National Journal is out with its ratings of the votes of the members of the Senate, and it has found that the most liberal senator in 2007 was Barack Obama.


Not so slanted after all. They say the same thing.

Why was his conviction overturned?
Not so slanted after all. They say the same thing.

Not at all. I'm sure you can see the difference if you read them both again. Look for insulting tones and praise for McCain. :D

The liberal part is a big plus.

Pretty interesting that the second article points out that McCain hasn't been doing his current job very well.

Interestingly, Sen. John McCain "did not vote frequently enough in 2007 to draw a composite score," National Journal writes. "He missed more than half of the votes in both the economic and foreign-policy categories."


Found a little more, but it'd be nice to have an update on this.

Besides Sen. Tim Johnson (D-S.D.) - who's missed the entire year as he recovers from a brain hemorrhage - McCain has now missed more votes, 60, than every other senator, making it to less than 60 percent of roll-call votes.

The next three most absentee senators are also 2008 candidates, Joseph Biden (D-Del.), Sam Brownback (R-Kansas) and Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.). But they've only missed 41, 37 and 26 votes, respectively. And two top-tier presidential candidates, Sens. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) and Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.), have been present so often on the chamber floor you wouldn't even know they're running for the White House.

Obama has missed seven votes, Clinton three.

McCain also continues to miss many critical votes on Iraq, the issue that he has previously said would be so critical to his own campaign. He's now missed at least seven votes of prominence on Iraq.

Where's our border and port security?
Where's our middle class?
Where's our Real immigration reform?
Where's our Fair foreign trade?
where's our lower grocery store prices?

Better off now, than we were? No, not as a nation.

Check with the State Dept.
Same place as ever...at work
Useless Congress (either of them)
Ask the new fuel fanatics. They've taken the old fuel & added foodstuffs. Not the administrations place to interfere.

W never had a decent domestic policy (once he passed the TAX CXUTS FOR THE RICH). The choices coming next may well be far worse-any of them.
that can likely also be explained through blowjobs.

I guess everyone has forgotten how the entire thing came down so here is the Clif's notes version.


In November 1986 as the sale of weapons was made public, North was fired by President Reagan, and in July 1987 he was summoned to testify before televised hearings of a joint Congressional committee formed to investigate Iran-Contra. The image of North taking the oath became iconic, and similar photographs made the cover of Time and Newsweek, and helped define him in the eyes of the public. During the hearings, North admitted that he had lied to Congress, for which he was later charged among other things. He defended his actions by stating that he believed in the goal of aiding the Contras, whom he saw as freedom fighters, and said that he viewed the Iran-Contra scheme as a "neat idea."

North was tried in 1988 in relation to his activities while at the National Security Council. He was indicted on sixteen felony counts and on May 4, 1989, he was initially convicted of three: accepting an illegal gratuity, aiding and abetting in the obstruction of a congressional inquiry, and destruction of documents (by his secretary, Fawn Hall, on his instructions). He was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Gerhard A. Gesell on July 5, 1989, to a three-year suspended prison term, two years probation, $150,000 in fines, Less than the fine imposed on Clinton for lying in court -- jand 1,200 hours community service. However, on July 20, 1990, with the help of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU),[3] North's convictions were vacated, after the appeals court found that witnesses in his trial might have been impermissibly affected by his immunized congressional testimony.

The Supreme Court declined to review the case, and Judge Gesell dismissed all charges against North on September 16, 1991, after hearings on the immunity issue, on the motion of the independent counsel. Essentially, North's convictions were overturned because he had been granted limited immunity for his Congressional testimony, and the prosecution had made improper use of this testimony during the trial -- a violation of fifth amendment rights.
Check with the State Dept.
Same place as ever...at work
Useless Congress (either of them)
Ask the new fuel fanatics. They've taken the old fuel & added foodstuffs. Not the administrations place to interfere.

W never had a decent domestic policy (once he passed the TAX CXUTS FOR THE RICH). The choices coming next may well be far worse-any of them.

well I will say it does Seem like Chertoff is doing all they will let him, and pushing for more.
I just have the feeling that if it wasn't an election year, they'd still be spinning wheels.
I guess everyone has forgotten how the entire thing came down so here is the Clif's notes version.


um, no, not really. i watched a lot of the hearings. some level of familiarity would have been obvious had you read my earlier post, but i realize the urge to educate is strong with you, young stinkfinger. *plokoon*
um, no, not really. i watched a lot of the hearings. some level of familiarity would have been obvious had you read my earlier post, but i realize the urge to educate is strong with you, young stinkfinger. *plokoon*

"Snatch the pebble from my hand, Locust."