any reasonable person should be opposed to the hardcore right wing in israel. lots of israelis are.
Yes, use some reading comprehension. You'll find the bulk of the articles quite different from each other. Ah, but you think if there is the same number in each article then the articles are the same. That's not logical Jim.
I never disputed the .7% number. You would know this if you were comprehending what you were reading.
You seem to be blind to any facts though in your quest to justify your preconceived ideas.
well there's only one thing left to do.
go through the pockets for loose change.
oh gomer pyle, where are you when we need you?
wonder which pile will be bigger?
Have the nomads hit 6 million yet?
Have the nomads hit 6 million yet?
displaced from the lands that go back many generations in their families
Damn those Jordanians. Greedy assed Syria. The horror of the Lebanese resetttlers.
yes, certainly one diasporic group did hit six million.
oh, you meant the other group that has also been displaced from the lands that go back many generations in their families, the group that is barely less like like you and the one that you don't personally identify with?
oh silly me.
hey you really think there's many israelis who would participate in the adopt-a-gonz program? i am certain they do appreciate your advocacy.
Don't like your neighbors? Move. Why force them to move?
You do not fire rockets into cities indiscriminately, and then cry 'foul' when a tank cruises down your street and destroys the school you launched them from.
That's exactly what the Israelis did.
You don't kill a bunch of people from another country and then cry foul when they fire rockets into your cities.
Why do so many display this utter ignorance as if everyone was happy and then suddenly rockets were fired no reason. Think.
I guess you have never heard of the Lebanese purge of Palestinians from Lebanon in 1970. They drove them out, crushed their houses and paved them over. Today, there is no evidence they were ever there. Now those boys know how to do it right. said:Jews are indigenous to that land, just as Arab Muslims and Christians are.
Before 1948 there were Palestinian Jews, Muslims, and Christians-only now does Palestinian mean non-Jews.
The British Mandate of Palestine was partitioned-78% for a Jewish homeland,22% for an Palestinian Arab homeland. Jews accepted, Arabs rejected, and attacked with genocidal intent and lost.
Jews have a right to self-determination in the land of their ancestors just like everyone else.