Obama: firearms position

I guess this one-man home-based operation is just spitting into the wind on the subject of CCW in federal parks also.


your post here says nothing. the NRA thingy you link to and the uppity guy in bellevue are not the same, though it's a certainty that the latter would support CCW virtually everywhere.

just because someone blabs about something extensively does not make them a "player," jim. often it just makes them.... just another intarwebs blowhard.

He stated that he would stop military tribunals and now he says he won't.

He said that he was against indefinite detention of terror suspects and now he says he will detain them indefinitely.

He said he would release the prisoner abuse photos and then said he would not.

He said he would stop earmarks and pork and then signed off on legislation that had trillions of dollars in earmarks and pork.

He said that he would stop unwarranted wire tapping but changed his mind once he found out its value.

Yet you want to believe that this guy is telling the truth when he says he is pro-second amendment?<<snippety snip... too long>>.
I think there are too many people on either side of the fence (like you and me) who will fight tooth and nail for our guns. In the UK, the majority didn't own guns... they never had anything like our 2nd Amendment and they didn't have a bloody history like ours to gain their independence. The Brits watched in horror as the French took up arms against their monarchy and the ruling aristocracy and beheaded them all.* The American response? "Meh, they had it comin'."

So I would never equate Americans with the British. We don't roll over so easily.

* No turning back now, fellas! Yeah, I admire that about the French. When they got ride of the monarchy they made it permanent.
your post here says nothing. the NRA thingy you link to and the uppity guy in bellevue are not the same, though it's a certainty that the latter would support CCW virtually everywhere.

just because someone blabs about something extensively does not make them a "player," jim. often it just makes them.... just another intarwebs blowhard.


Ya driven past their offices yet? Maybe you should actually stop in and see what's there.

Get back to me on that, will ya?
Obama's SCotUS nomination does not exactly engender comfort and confidence in his Second Amendment leanings.


Sotomayor's Gun Control Positions Could Prompt Conservative Backlash
Earlier this year, President Obama's Supreme Court nominee joined an opinion with the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that Second Amendment rights do not apply to the states.


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Judge Sonia Sotomayor could walk into a firestorm on Capitol Hill over her stance on gun rights, with conservatives beginning to question some controversial positions she's taken over the past several years on the Second Amendment.

Earlier this year, President Obama's Supreme Court nominee joined an opinion with the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that Second Amendment rights do not apply to the states.

A 2004 opinion she joined also cited as precedent that "the right to possess a gun is clearly not a fundamental right."

Ken Blackwell, a senior fellow with the Family Research Council, called Obama's nomination a "declaration of war against America's gun owners."

Such a line of attack could prove more effective than efforts to define Sotomayor as pro-abortion, efforts that essentially grasp at straws. Sotomayor's record on that hot-button issue reveals instances in which she has ruled against an abortion rights group and in favor of anti-abortion protesters, making her hard to pigeonhole.

But Sotomayor's position on gun control is far more crystallized.

Blackwell, who also ran unsuccessfully to head the Republican National Committee, told FOX News her position is "very, very disturbing."

"That puts our Second Amendment freedoms at risk," he said. "What she's basically saying is that your hometown can decide to suppress your Second Amendment freedoms."

The chief concern is her position in the 2009 Maloney v. Cuomo case, in which the court examined a claim by a New York attorney that a New York law that prohibited possession of nunchucks violated his Second Amendment rights. The Appeals Court affirmed the lower court's decision that the Second Amendment does not apply to the states.

The ruling explained that it was "settled law" that the Second Amendment applies only to limitations the federal government might seek on individual gun rights.

Despite last year's landmark Supreme Court ruling in the District of Columbia v. Heller, in which the court ruled that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to bear arms, the Maloney ruling determined that case "does not invalidate this longstanding principle" that states are not covered by the Second Amendment. (Another appeals court since the Heller case reached the opposite conclusion.)

Justice David Souter, whom Sotomayor would replace, dissented from the majority decision in D.C. v. Heller, so Sotomayor wouldn't necessarily tip the balance on such issues. But she's joining a split body -- the D.C. case was a 5-4 decision -- and with the Maloney case likely to be appealed to the Supreme Court her presence could be threatening to gun rights groups.

"We have concerns and we have questions," Andrew Arulanandam, public affairs director for the National Rifle Association, told FOXNews.com. He said the NRA would work with members of Congress to have those concerns addressed in the coming months, and that the NRA has researchers looking more closely at Sotomayor's gun rights record.

Ken Klukowski, a fellow and legal analyst with the American Civil Rights Union, predicted this issue would heat up as the confirmation process moves forward.

"If this nomination were not to succeed, it would likely be because of the Second Amendment issue," he said.

Klukowski questioned the brevity of the Maloney decision, which spanned only a few pages, more than the actual conclusion. He said it glossed over decades of relevant legal precedent.

"The idea that you would be the first circuit court to take up this profound, constitutional question after the Supreme Court's landmark ruling and only give it one paragraph is stunning," he said.

But Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said the issue of Sotomayor's gun rights position is being "overblown" since the court was merely following precedent. He agreed that the Heller decision did not mean Second Amendment rights apply to states.

He said any controversy over the issue would be a "red herring."

As interest groups launch a heated campaign to define Sotomayor and draw the battle lines ahead of her confirmation process, the White House has voiced unequivocal confidence in her judgment.

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said Thursday that Obama was "very comfortable with her interpretation of the Constitution being similar to that of his."

FOXNews.com's Judson Berger and FOX News' Shannon Bream contributed to this report.
0bama would just love to inflict her on America.

What other amendments don’t we have to follow?

BELLEVUE, WA – Failing to get traction for his anti-gun agenda in Congress, Barack Obama is trying instead to stack the federal courts with liberal anti-gunners, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

“President Obama’s gun prohibitionist agenda has fallen on deaf ears on Capitol Hill,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “His administration’s attempt to revive the ban on semiautomatic sporting rifles by exploiting the Mexican drug war was a bust. He had to sign legislation allowing guns for personal protection in national parks, even after his Justice Department refused to defend the Interior Department against a lawsuit that prevented an earlier firearms rule from taking effect.

“But now he is picking judicial nominees that will almost certainly legislate from the bench,” he continued. “Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor has already ruled that the Second Amendment does not apply to the states. We’ve learned that Sotomayor’s nomination is supported by ACORN, the publicly-funded anti-gun group that supported a Jersey City gun control ordinance that was struck down by the court.

“Obama’s nomination of David Hamilton to a position on the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals is equally troubling,” Gottlieb added, “because Hamilton reportedly is a former ACORN fundraiser. Even the president once worked with the anti-gun rights ACORN as a leadership trainer.

“Seventy years ago, President Franklin D. Roosevelt tried to stack the Supreme Court to push his social agenda, and he failed,” Gottlieb recalled. “President Obama tried to use his cabinet to rally support for a gun ban renewal and he failed, so now he’s planning to stack the courts with anti-gun ACORN nominees.

“America has had enough Left-wing judicial activism from the federal bench,” he concluded. “In Judge Sotomayor’s own words, ‘I don’t believe we should bend the Constitution under any circumstances. It says what it says. We should do honor to it.’ That includes honoring the Second Amendment. It does not include manipulating the courts to accomplish from the bench what cannot be achieved through Congress.”

Copyright © 2009 Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, All Rights Reserved.

BELLEVUE, WA – President Barack Obama’s nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to replace retiring Justice David Souter on the U.S. Supreme Court validates the concerns of millions of American citizens who have been rushing to gun shops for the past seven months, fearing their Second Amendment rights are in jeopardy, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

Judge Sotomayor was part of a Second Circuit Court panel that ruled in January that the Second Amendment does not apply to the states, in Maloney v. Cuomo. That is in direct conflict with a Ninth Circuit opinion earlier this spring in Nordyke v. King that the Second Amendment is incorporated to the states, and therefore does place limits on states’ ability to regulate the individual right to keep and bear arms.

“Starting literally last Nov. 4 and every day since,” noted CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, “concerned Americans, many who had never before owned a firearm, have been crowding into gun shops. Their concerns that the Obama administration may somehow try to destroy Second Amendment rights have certainly been affirmed with the nomination of Judge Sotomayor to the Supreme Court.

“Sure, Congress has turned a cold shoulder to renewal of the ban on semiautomatic sporting rifles,” he continued, “and the president did sign the guns-in-parks bill, but only because he had to in order to save his credit card legislation.

“But a Supreme Court justice is a president’s legacy,” Gottlieb observed. “Judge Sotomayor would become a justice for life, and her anti-Second Amendment position would continue affecting her decisions long after Obama is gone from the White House.

“A Supreme Court nominee’s philosophy generally reflects the philosophy of the president that nominates them,” Gottlieb concluded. “Judge Sotomayor’s position on the Second Amendment is a clear signal that Mr. Obama’s claim that he supports gun rights is nothing but lip service from a man who consistently argued and voted against those rights in the Illinois Senate and the U.S. Senate. American gun owners have every reason to oppose this nomination, and let their senators know why.”

Copyright © 2009 Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, All Rights Reserved.
That is not a good position for a federal judgeship to take.

If the 2nd Amendment does not apply, then none of the others would apply as well.

This position would be faulty.

I do not see a link for your post, though. Not sure if it's opinion or fact.