Obama tells American businesses to drop dead

Doesn't matter. Would you give your children C4 if they asked for it? Thats why the Constitution was written the way it was. To prevent just that sort of thing from happening. What the founders didn't realize was that our Congress would sink to the level that they have...power-hungry sycophants who only care about re-election.

Well I have to tend to agree with you there. If anything will ever be fixed in the country it needs to be changed so real work can be done.
Sounds like there is whole heaping helping of jealousy lumped in there also.

I have no jealousy of folks with money, I have contempt for unnecessary excesses. I make a lot more than you Jim (most likely from 3-4 times your hourly wage) and I am my own boss, and I'm sure I have less responsibilities with the money I make. I have the best reputation in the area at what I do and I well deserve it. I deal with people fairly and honestly in a business that is sorely lacking in that everywhere, and I am the best at what I do around here bar none. People are astounded at how I deal with them and my customer loyalty is legendary here in only a short time. If I wanted to really work more than I do I could and I could do very well financially, but I enjoy my work and to me having enough money to take care of me and mine is enough and I have other far more important pursuits in life than chasing money.

It just isn't so important to me if I have what I need. If anything I have pity on people to whom money and having a ton of it is super important. Its an empty way to live and it doesn't make them happy. I should know, my father was one of them. A wonderful man fiercely loyal to his friends and a great friend to have. The trouble being that on a level of money and finance he was never happy. It was a never ending quest for more and I believe it put him in a grave earlier than it should have
Why are you asking me? Why don't you ask the 27 million people he freed from tyranny if they feel it was worth it?.

They have been asked and many times most of them say it wasn't worth it. Every time they're been asked most want us to "leave immediately".

Why the fuck do you refuse to listen to them Jim?
I make a lot more than you Jim (most likely from 3-4 times your hourly wage)

You make a profit? That's pretty greedy if you ask me. Why don't you set yourself up as a non-profit organization and donate your time, just like you said the drug companies should do?
making a profit is only greed when you put it above God, or take advantage
of another person for the wrong reason. Which is the greed it's self. Is the way I see it.
Well I have to tend to agree with you there. If anything will ever be fixed in the country it needs to be changed so real work can be done.

Then vote for an non-incumbant. The system isn't broke. The lazy voters are.

I have contempt for unnecessary excesses.

Why? If it wasn't taken from your home or your mouth, it's none of your business. Why does the pursuit of others both you? If they allow you to live your life, let them live theirs.

Define unnecessary. Define excess. In this context, Jay Leno & his collection of automobiles can be defined as unnecessary excess. More than one is a waste. We should take those collectibles & trash them. After all, not only are they unnecessary excess, they aren't green. How about Billl Gates. Look what we could do if we forced him to turn his unnecessary excess over to the government.
Not always, that's for sure. Unless you like Ponzi schemes, robberies, bought politicians, etc.
Then vote for an non-incumbant. The system isn't broke. The lazy voters are.

The system is broken. It can be counted upon to fail to produce a palatable candidate of any kind. You can vote against the incumbents until you die. Until the system changes, nothing else will. Wake up and smell the fucking bullshit, huh? We know what to do about it, we just don't have the guts.
Yes obviously congress paid this, but GW and his administration we hell bent to make it happen and they succeeded. It is everyone's fault.

As for you Jim, you really aren't one to talk about peoples "rage". No I am not outraged, but I am annoyed at peoples excesses and stupidity all because they can. You say let China try to collect? China could wipe us off the map militarily at this point because we spent everything on Iraq. I'm glad many Iraqis are free of a bad leader, but it damn sure did little good for Americans unless you are counting people like Haliburton and all the companies making assloads of money to rebuild Iraq. My point is the money could gave done Americans a lot of good if it was used on America.

The key to your thinking is in this sentence from your previous post:

They have to drive 40' long land yachts that burn way more fuel than they should need and they have no reason or realistic need for such vehicles yet they pollute and use the roads all the time!

You then follow that up in a subsequent post saying:

No I am not outraged, but I am annoyed at peoples excesses and stupidity all because they can.

In the Liberal world, the Bill of rights is usually thought of as the Bill of Needs. They don't need this. They don't need that.

The Liberal mindset is that those who have, while others don't, do not need what they have. They only have these things because they want them and they can afford them while others, including the planet, cannot.

Who are you, or anyone else for that matter, to pass judgment on the "needs" of others? How is that any of your business? You know quite well that if you were able you would gain the same luxuries you now decry; and there would be some other Liberal voice spewing hatred about you not "needing" what you have.

By the way, I didn't say you were OUTraged, I said you were ENraged.
First of all Jim I am not part of the "liberal world" of which you speak. I know plenty of folks a lot more liberal than me and I have my issues with it, but you certainly do not understand it anywhere near as much as you think you do. The major point that would put me in a "liberal" category is that I believe in some kind of socialized health care. I believe in it because it works and that has been proven. Not every country does it as well but the ones who do it well are something to model after. What we have now does not work. That been proven and is abundantly clear to anyone who isn't delusional on the subject. Other than that politically I am quite independent and a lot more moderate than folks think. I just look for solutions, I think about what works for other nations and thing we should model after and improve on it.

Oh and on this topic of excess and also how it relates to religion, you ought to well know this but all the flaunting of big flashy trucks and hoarding of money is the antithesis of what true Christianity is about. Then these morons go around making judgments on others as if they were God. You cannot worship God and Mammon at the same time! Jesus asked folks to love their neighbors. I am quite positive that if Jesus really made an appearance, the bulk of the evangelical movement in this country would make him sick! I'm not sure what I believe regarding religion, but I do believe loving my God and then myself, and then others even as I love myself is my desire.

You know whats funny though, is that as much as I think you are one of the most misguided people I know of in a political sense, from what little interaction we have here I actually like you Jim. I expect you would be a good guy to know, I just wouldn't want to even talk about politics! LOL

I guess that is rare too because generally with folks I disagree with as much as you I am generally indifferent to them and occasionally I don't like them much. I think you are crazy to to try and convince folks though. It generally doesn't work for anyone.
Until the system changes, nothing else will. Wake up and smell the fucking bullshit, huh? We know what to do about it, we just don't have the guts.

What type of change? Put 435 new Representatives in office on one vote & over a perioid of 6 years, replace the entire Senate body.
China could wipe us off the map militarily at this point because we spent everything on Iraq.

Spent everything on Iraq?? No, what we spent in Iraq under Pres. Bush is less than 1/3 of what BHO has spent in the past 6 months sinking the economy by approving pork-laden stimulus bills, bailing out private companies that shouldn't have been bailed out, and signing bloated budgets.

Perhaps you are under the impression we are weak and a military target because you have seen fit to elect a prez. that decides that reduced defense spending is a good idea.
Sounds about right considering the source. Greed is what got us into the bind we are in now.

Ambition may be good, but greed will alawys take on to bad places.

Yeah, it did. We were greedy, and we didn't want to pay excessively high taxes for a bloated and corrupt government that ignored the will of the people, so we told George to fuck off, and we'll deal with it on our own.

Actually, once you think about it, it wasn't such a bad idea after all.
"Terminations, Reductions and Savings"

How much would be saved if we stopped stupid crap like this (paid beauracrats & the costs of printing)
First of all Jim I am not part of the "liberal world" of which you speak. I know plenty of folks a lot more liberal than me and I have my issues with it, but you certainly do not understand it anywhere near as much as you think you do. The major point that would put me in a "liberal" category is that I believe in some kind of socialized health care. I believe in it because it works and that has been proven. Not every country does it as well but the ones who do it well are something to model after. What we have now does not work. That been proven and is abundantly clear to anyone who isn't delusional on the subject. Other than that politically I am quite independent and a lot more moderate than folks think. I just look for solutions, I think about what works for other nations and thing we should model after and improve on it.

What makes you a Liberal is your class envy and the desire to control what others have. You want the manna spread about evenly among everyone by those who do the work and bear the load. Your admonishment on how the billions spent in Iraq could better have been spent here in America is a Liberal ideology.

Here's the good news. It was spent here in America. What was spent there will come back to us tenfold in a more stable arena called the Middle East.

Oh and on this topic of excess and also how it relates to religion, you ought to well know this but all the flaunting of big flashy trucks and hoarding of money is the antithesis of what true Christianity is about. Then these morons go around making judgments on others as if they were God. You cannot worship God and Mammon at the same time! Jesus asked folks to love their neighbors. I am quite positive that if Jesus really made an appearance, the bulk of the evangelical movement in this country would make him sick! I'm not sure what I believe regarding religion, but I do believe loving my God and then myself, and then others even as I love myself is my desire.

God makes it possible for those who prosper to prosper. God gives them the wherewithal to work hard and have a good work ethic. Those who are ethical and grateful to God for all He has given them give back to the communities in which they operate. Look at all of the foundations which have been formed by those who have reaped God's bounty.

You know whats funny though, is that as much as I think you are one of the most misguided people I know of in a political sense, from what little interaction we have here I actually like you Jim. I expect you would be a good guy to know, I just wouldn't want to even talk about politics! LOL

I guess that is rare too because generally with folks I disagree with as much as you I am generally indifferent to them and occasionally I don't like them much. I think you are crazy to to try and convince folks though. It generally doesn't work for anyone.

If you are in CO, let me know. We'll tour the microbreweries; or we'll go out shooting. Can't do both on the same day, though.

By the way. I don't try to change anyone. I simply state my opinion and present facts and citations. I cannot change them any more than they can change me.