ObamaCare: It's for the Children


molṑn labé
Staff member
Six months after President Barack Obama's signature health care bill passed, major insurance companies are dropping child-only policies just days before the new law requires them to cover sick children, enraging health care advocates who accuse the insurers of abandoning society's most vulnerable.

Step One Underway
OsamaCare: the liberals greatest triumph

I for one will take no interest in the destruction of America’s
healthcare system. My source for amusement will come from two sources.
The elected officials sent to Washington with a mandate to repeal this
monstrosity who will hem and haw with endless excuses why they can
not repeal it and the vast majority of Americans that oppose deathcare
as they whine and moan and soil their depends as they rail against
this Soviet style healthcare system, sitting in county hospital waiting
rooms with 50 million newly amnestitized illegal aliens!

government power comes at the point of a gun
ObamaCare: It's for the illegals

You'll be lolling outta the other side of yer loller then Gringo

Not too worry my little Canadian friend
businesses exist to provide a product or service
and create a profit.
Unless deathcare is repealed
(hah like that is going to happen)
the medical insurance industry in America
will go the way of the dodo bird.

You haven't the slightest idea of what you're talking about, right?
Hell, go on spouting the misinformation if it makes you feel better. Better than two apples a day to keep the docs away.

The insurance peeps love the Obama initiative...it's driving customers to their doors. The only part they don't like about it is that they'll have to be more creative in how they deny claims while taking in the money.
there's no money in healthcare
no one wants it
so just like crappy public education
we all want free healthcare WTF
oh never mind
If he doesn't he goes out of business
and someone else who can run a profitable
business comes in and takes that market share.

Once the Govt takes over health care
they can provide the shiftiest service they
want as it is illegal and or unprofitable to compete
against them. I don't want to wait three years
for a heart by-pass Oh and where's yer Prime
Minister gonna go for his?

This might upset you bishy, but the guy who sells you food, the food you eat.....he makes a profit doing it.

Of course he does....but he doesn't get to deny me food just because it impacts his bottom line.

Health Insurance is a contract.
User pays X/month for which he gets covered for Y (list of ailments and accidents)
Insurance Company promises to pay for healthcare costs in exchange for that X/month.

As long as User keeps paying, s/he hasn't broken the contract.
As long as the insurer pays for valid health-costs, it hasn't broken the contract.

The moment the user tries to commit fraud against the insurer, s/he breaks the contract...this might include things like self-inflicted wounds, padding the bill for kickbacks, faking injuries etc...

Sounds fair so far, right?

Now, when the insurer decides to NOT pay for a valid treatment, IT is defaulting on the contract. Guess where the majority of the money from insurance companies goes....finding them loopholes so they don't have to pay but don't get dinged with defaulting on the contract. Also in denying access to users and early cancellation of contracts (before it gets too expensive).

There is where the issue lies, and that is the thrust of your health-care reform. The other major part is about insurance crossing state boundaries in order to stop virtual monopolies.