Obama's Howard Dean Moment

That's a pretty ridiculous leap you made there.

Why is it ok for one to mention breeding but not the other?

Why is it ok for Rev wasshisname to call his flock nappy headed but Imus gets fired?

Hypocrisy, plain & simple.
The failure was for you to have a point.

Firstone: breeding in two entirely different contexts. Nobody outlawed the word breed or breed.

Second one: Did the Rev call someone nappy headed ho's? I missed it if he did.

So again. WTF are you talking about?

You're trying so hard to find something, anything to pin on Obama that it comes off really petty and pathetic.

The fact that you find this BS more important than McCain getting basic information wrong multiple times about what's going on in the middle east is very telling.
The fact that you find this BS more important than McCain getting basic information wrong multiple times about what's going on in the middle east is very telling.

I don't recall me being a McCain supporter, do you?

White were bred to fear blacks while blacks were bred to grow bigger & stronger..people got fired for their choice of words.* Now it's Obamas turn.

*Jim Snider
Rush Limbaugh
Don Imus
come immediately to mind.

Have the welfare doling, tax raising, liberty restricting, owl protecting, tree hugging, finger pointing, time wasting, war fearing, enemy embracing, gubmint expanding, military hating, immigrant welcoming, delegate stealing, primary re-doing, race baiting, dope legalizing, gun banning, global warming, enlightened demonrats picked someone for McCain to beat yet, or are they still spinning their wheels? I know I shouldn't, but I took my eyes off 'em for a day or three to do some fishin'. Have they decided which political career to ruin by nomination yet, or are they still scratchin' one another's eyes out?

Mind you, it don't matter to me either way. No matter which idiot they decide to sacrifice, ain't no way in hell they can get a majority of the vote come November. I despise McCain, but it's inevitable. Still, I'll go write my little vote in come 'Lection Day...go down to th' schoolhouse an' vote an' git me a hamburger and some baked beans off'n the Ruritan Club an' hep their fundraiser that much. Civic duty and such. (Note for dems...civic duty = doing what's right for the whole of the populace in question whether or not it deprives Bill Gates of more profit. Just thought I'd clear that up for y'all...I knew you had no clue what it meant. It's kinda like y'all picketing a recruitin' office, 'cept this actually accomplishes something positive. You're welcome.)
I don't recall me being a McCain supporter, do you?

White were bred to fear blacks while blacks were bred to grow bigger & stronger..people got fired for their choice of words.* Now it's Obamas turn.

Who was breeding whites? Don't be silly.

So what is your opinion about McCains lack of knowledge in middle east affairs?
Note for dems...civic duty = doing what's right for the whole of the populace in question

Except when disagree with the majority of the population. Then you say something about the majority being idiots or somesuch and do your selfish thing.

Who do you think your fooling? We know you don't care about the whole of the population. :rolleyes:

But the bigoted, war loving, latte drinking, polluting, lazy, dumbass, terrorist supporting, America hating, fat, Walmart shopping, McDonals eatin, panzy, psuedo christian, hill dwelling, overall wearin, teeth missing, cousin fuckin', waste of space republicans always turn out to be hypocrits.
....or are they still spinning their wheels?

It's Operation Chaos:

RUSH: Once again, Operation Chaos is now exceeding all objectives. I am Rush Limbaugh coming to you today, as every day, from Operation Chaos headquarters, the heavily fortified and bunkered EIB Southern Command.

The poll showed Arizona Sen. McCain, who has clinched the Republican presidential nomination, is benefiting from the lengthy campaign battle between Obama and Clinton." Well, yes, which was the primary purpose of Operation Chaos. (laughing)

Folks, we are doing it! Do you realize, we are doing it! Things are happening out there on our terms. Why, this is just fabulous. ....." 'It's not surprising to me that McCain's on top because there is disarray and confusion on the Democratic side,' Zogby said. " http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/daily/site_031908/content/01125108.guest.html

Operation Chaos under siege!

RUSH: The Drive-Bys are fascinated with possible criminal charges in Ohio related to Operation Chaos. They're still investigating whether or not Republican voters lied about their pledge to become Democrats when they went in there and voted in the Ohio primary.

If any of you people in Ohio end up getting charged -- and I frankly can't see it, fear not, worry not -- Operation Chaos will commence a massive legal defense fund, and we'll defend you. (laughter) This is just too much. http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/daily/site_032108/content/01125107.guest.html
Why, there's the good Rev. Wright now ...

OK, it was kinda funny when Wright said:

Hillary is married to Bill, and Bill has been good to us. No he ain’t! Bill did us, just like he did Monica Lewinsky. He was riiiiiding durrrty.

For some reason I hear Chris Rock's voice when I read the good Rev. I suppose that's typical.
latte drinking ... lazy ... dumbass ... fat ... Walmart shopping ... McDonals eatin ... panzy, psuedo christian ... hill dwelling ... overall wearin ... tetth missing ... cousin fuckin' ... waste of space

Was there any sort of a point to throwing all that shit in a post that's trying to twist someone else's words? Not one of those things contributes anything to the debate at all. Take a logic class.
Was there any sort of a point to throwing all that shit in a post that's trying to twist someone else's words? Not one of those things contributes anything to the debate at all. Take a logic class.

It contributed just as much as SNP's rant.

Where was the faulty logic? I'm not sure you understand the term.
Holy shit!

McCain actually sought the endorsement of a very controversial televangelist.

Looks like he has his own preacher he needs to account for. :laugh:

NEW YORK In an interview that will appear in this Sunday's New York Times Magazine, controversial televangelist Rev. John Hagee declares, "It's true that [John] McCain's campaign sought my endorsement."

McCain has attempted to distance himself from some of Hagee's views, much as Barack Obama is doing in relation to Rev. Jeremiah Wright. But unlike McCain, Obama has not stood on stage with Wright and accepted his accolades this year.

Interviewed by Deborah Solomon, Hagee refused to discuss his statement that Hurricane Katrina was God's punishment for a gay rights parade in New Orleans, calling it "so far off-base." He claims, "Our church is not hard against the gay people. Our church teaches what the bible teaches, that it is not a righteous lifestyle. But of course we must love even sinners."

He also said that charges that he had bashed the Catholic Church ("false cult system," etc.) have been "grossly mischaracterized....I was referring to those Christians who ignore the Gospels."

Asked what he thinks of Obama, he answers, "He is going to be difficult to beat, because the man is a master of communication. If he were in the ministry, he would make it in the major leagues overnight."

He also denies that he is a strong supporter of Israel because of any coming "Rapture" in the holy land.

So what is your opinion about McCains lack of knowledge in middle east affairs?

I think that there isn't a well qualified person in the current primary season who has the ability to properly lead this country. I think that all three are Senators, not leaders. Money spending, time wasting, poll taking followers of the crowd, has beens.

Given the optione currently available, I'm stuck with McCain. He is the least dangerous.
Holy shit!

McCain actually sought the endorsement of a very controversial televangelist.

Looks like he has his own preacher he needs to account for.

I didn't follow the link. Did McCain sit in this preachers church listening for twenty years? Did he have this preacher officiate over his wedding or the babtism of his children? Did McCain give this preacher (his church) at least one endownment of over twnety thousand dollars?

Thought not.
Not sure what any of that is supposed to prove. Do you think that means he has to agree with everything he says?

Thought not.

McCain did seek his endorsement and stood onstage with him this year.

Personally I could give a crap about either situation.

According to the tracking polls Obama's speech has beena big success. So much for the "Howard Dean moment". :shrug:
Interesting article about republican hypocrisy on the subject.

"All [Wright] said was that God should damn America for our racism and violence and that no one had ever used the N-word about Hillary Clinton," says Schaeffer, a convert to the Eastern Orthodox Church in 1990.

He argues that "while Dad and I crisscrossed America denouncing our nation's sins, instead of getting in trouble we became darlings of the Republican Party."

"We were rewarded for our 'stand' by people such as Congressman Jack Kemp, the Fords, Reagan and the Bush family," Schaeffer writes. "The top Republican leadership depended on preachers and agitators like us to energize their rank and file. No one called us un-American."

'Christian Manifesto'

The highly influential Francis Schaeffer, who died in 1984, is known for his intellectual defense of Christianity and challenge to secular humanism, which he described as a worldview in which "man is the measure of all things." He was featured in two film series produced by his son that were widely viewed in evangelical churches in the 1970s and 1980s, "Whatever Happened to the Human Race?" and "How Should We Then Live? The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture.'

An ordained Presbyterian minister, Francis Schaeffer and his wife Edith, also an accomplished author, came to Switzerland from the U.S. in the 1950s and established L'Abri Fellowship, which became a crossroads for many spiritual seeker and now has branches around the world. Many evangelical leaders today regard him as an important influence on their thinking, and he is credited with helping inspire political activism by evangelicals, particularly the pro-life movement.

Schaeffer's "A Christian Manifesto" in 1981 – a response to the communist and humanist manifestos – spoke of a decline of commitment to objective truth in society's institutions that had come about "not because of a conspiracy, but because the church has forsaken its duty to be the salt of the culture."

In his column, Frank Schaeffer referred to "A Christian Manifesto," calling it an "immensely influential America-bashing" book that "sailed under the radar of the major media who, back when it was published in 1980, were not paying particular attention to best-selling religious books."

He points to a passage in the book in which his father wrote: "If there is a legitimate reason for the use of force [against the U.S. government] ... then at a certain point force is justifiable."

Frank Schaeffer writes that when his father purportedly "denounced America and even called for the violent overthrow of the U.S. government, he was invited to lunch with presidents Ford, Reagan and Bush Sr."

At your favorite site no less.
