Of course Americans should vote Democrat

It is amazing, AMAZING, how closed minded our open minded members are.
Wanna talk about lincoln?

I drove one for about five days while I was waiting for my windshield to get fixed. It's a 1989 Continental... the speakers only work on one side... the electronic compass is 180 degrees off... the air suspension has a leak so the compressor always comes on when you first turn on the car and it makes too much of a draw so you have to give the engine gas when you start it (even though it's fuel-injected) or it will die... ... the suspension alsol isn't as firm as it used to be so going over bumps is literally like driving a boat through waves, the way it wallows around... the paint looks like a typical 1989 car, all oxidized and shit... the cruise control works, but doesn't shut off when you step on the brakes... but it still returned 22 miles to the gallon overall, which for a car that size and that age isn't bad at all. The trip computer does still work, too, and using it, I was able to find out that when pulling the Cuesta Grade at 75 miles an hour (three or so miles of eight percent grade), it gets nine miles to the gallon.