of course it happens today


New Member
parenting dilemna:

i have an appointment for an assessment test for an entry level position at a local bank today. the test is in the main office building downtown in the middle of the city...it's going to take some time to get there, take the test, and return....and i was kinda looking forward to it......so, of course, at 4am malory wakes with a fever...i bring her in bed with me where she proceeds to toss and turn and whimper all night...fever is still present now at 8am....she is being uber clingy....it's gotta be her ears...i had a babysitter lined up...but how can i leave? how can i make mal that unhappy and how can i do that to the babysitter? but this job could be a wonderful way to get my foot in the door at a great job with good hours and benefits.....but i really should be making an appointment for malory...,.what are your thoughts on the matter?
Go, it's for your future. It's only a few hours, and it's only an earache. Nothing traumatic will happen to her in a few hours.

(earaches are generally viruses anyway, rarely are they bacteria so the antibiotics are just making the parents happy rather than helping the kids). Give her tempra/tylenol, set her up with a blankie and a movie and GO.
tonks said:
it's part of a job interview, prof.

I've been ready to take my daughter on a customer job with me. Haven't had to yet, but the boss knows that if it comes down to family or job, ... well, I'm not married to my job.
Professur said:
I've been ready to take my daughter on a customer job with me. Haven't had to yet, but the boss knows that if it comes down to family or job, ... well, I'm not married to my job.
that's terrific...but you already have that job.
I know. But I told my bosses the same thing before I got it. Fortunately, I'm one of those "gotta have" people.

Sorry Tonks. I know I sound high and mighty on this. I didn't mean to.
Leslie said:
Go, it's for your future. It's only a few hours, and it's only an earache. Nothing traumatic will happen to her in a few hours.

(earaches are generally viruses anyway, rarely are they bacteria so the antibiotics are just making the parents happy rather than helping the kids). Give her tempra/tylenol, set her up with a blankie and a movie and GO.
tonks said:
it's all good....wish i was a must have person.

Yeah, right up until you have to pull 70 hour weeks, for a month straight. Or pull 3 brand new certifications outta your ass within a few weeks, while doing those 70 hour shifts.
well...she fell asleep on the couch about an hour ago and is now awake sans fever, sitting up and babbling...this is a good sign....i'll dose her again with tylenol and dimetapp before i leave and she should be okay.
thanks everyone.
Gonz said:
i think she means that my future employment directly affects my children...ie, having a roof over our heads, food on the table, medical insurance, clothes, educational toys and outings, etc....not even mentioning saving for college....
thanks, tonks... I would have thought what I meant was readily apparent, but I guess it wasn't :rolleyes:

good luck! not that you'll need it, hun :hug: