Of course, in voting theory there are other methods that work better than a "one vote" method (though I don't remember the names of those methods). Might be useful in this case, cause if all candidates were lumped together, and each member voted on their favorite, it is very possible that only four or five candidates would even receive votes. Then how would you fill the other spots?
There are two good alternatives. One is to allow members to rank the candidates from best to worst, and total the score for each candidate. This guarantees that all candidates receive at least some points, so ranking the totals to pick the top six or whatever will be easy.
The second alternative is to allow members to assign a "value" for each candidate, and can score as many candidates alike as he/she wishes. For example... greenfreak only knows Leslie, so it's likely she would put Leslie in the top spot. How would she assign the rest of the candidates if she didn't know anything about them but was forced to put them in order? It would be easier for her to just give Leslie a "10" and each of the other candidates a "1" (or "5", or whatever she wished). Then total the scores as before, and pick the top however many are needed. This, IMO, is the fairest and most accurate representation of "what the people want".
So, I'd suggest the above scoring method... but it would cause problems with how to collect scores. The BB's poll doesn't allow such a complex voting scheme, so it would have to be done through emails, or just out in the open voting (that probably isn't a good idea... the out in the open part).
A compromise might be if this BB has an option to allow members to vote for more than one choice. That way, each candidate could at least be scored a 1 or 0, and though not the best method by any means, it is better than only getting one vote and having to decide where to place it. I don't remember any option like that when I did my poll though, so that might be out.
Oh well... there's my two-bucks-three-ninety-nine.