Officials: Terrorists may target tall apt. bldgs.


New Member
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. intelligence services recently picked up al Qaeda discussions about packing explosives in apartments to topple tall buildings, U.S. officials told CNN Monday.

The officials said the purported plot was learned from diverse sources. The "chatter," as it's called in the intelligence community, resulted in the FBI asking apartment owners and property managers to report any suspicious activity.

"The discussion was about renting some apartments, packing them with explosives and bringing some tall buildings down," another official said.

FBI chief: 'We will not be able to stop it'

I also heard that Al Quada, Homaz, and some other terrorist groups are teaming up. These bastards really piss me off! :mad:

The story can be found HERE
I read about it a couple of days ago, to be honest, i was thinking that terrorists were taking too long to their shit again.

Palabras del día:[/]
computer = computadora
speed = velocidad
Them Terrorists should be captured, have 10000V wires stuck to their balls and fried, they got no respect for life, why the fuck should we respect them? :mad:
there are quite a few warnings for this weekend (Memorial Day) esp. in NYC.

I hope Hamas ties up with AlQieda, that'll give us/Israel a reason to go into Gaza.