Ogres rule.


Well-Known Member
Saw Shrek 2 on Sat. with the missus and V2.0 (her first movie since Monsters Inc.) And what can I say .....

Damn. Just Damn.

I dunno just how good a kids movie it is, but it's piss-your-pants funny for adults. Rippoffs of almost every recent major motion picture, including Mission Impossible, Spiderman, etc. Even a visit from an old Mel Brooks character. It was so good, I'm tempted to go see it again.
Gonna try to take the afternoon tomorrow and take Ted. 'Course, I've been saying that for two days now. Pesky work.
She did like it, but for totally different reasons. It's kinda strange sitting in a theater, with all the adults and kids laughing at different times.
i want to see that. saw a short little clip on Letterman and it was hilarious.
Professur said:
She did like it, but for totally different reasons. It's kinda strange sitting in a theater, with all the adults and kids laughing at different times.
I have a hard time with those...mine ask me what I'm laughing at and/or want explanations now...and I found the other one went a bit too far at times for the audience they were marketing to.
Professur said:
She did like it, but for totally different reasons. It's kinda strange sitting in a theater, with all the adults and kids laughing at different times.

Exactly :D Something for everyone. Saw it in a packed theater with the kidlets yesterday. Freaking hilarious!
I've heard good and I've heard bad about it. Noone is talking about the same things in regards to likes and dislikes. Reviewers are messed up people.

We need common man reviews.

Were the jokes good?
Was the story engaging?
Well paced?
Strike new ground or just rehash the old?
Animation dazzling?
Just got back from seeing it and its a definate must see.Despite the mother and daughter who were sitting beside us and constantly having to use the washroom it was very enjoyable,I'd recommend taking in a later show to avoid the little ones if you don't have any of your own.

Were the jokes good? Yes ,something for all age groups

Was the story engaging? Yes

Well paced? Yes ( a theatre full of contented kids can't be wrong) and I never looked at my watch once.

Strike new ground or just rehash the old? definately not a rehash ,there were alot of new characters with just enough of the old ones to keep it congruent.

Animation dazzling? excellent (the hair is very realistic and the Fairy Godmother's cleavage area :brow: very realistic ,but I did keep picturing the actress who did the voice ,so that may explain it. :lloyd:

Alot of the reviews say Antonio Banderas's character steals the movie ,but DONKEY has great lines and his facial expressions can't be beat. :lol2:
I really enjoyed it - I thought the jokes were good, the story was excellent - I didn't find myself looking at the ol' watch. I laughed pretty hard throughout - and I really enjoyed Antonio Banderas' character - hilarious! :lol:
chcr said:
Saw it last night. What about the mutant babies? :lol:

Yep,you definately don't want ot be the first out of the Theatre.

Gonz said:
I'm a real boy

Almost forgot that part :rofl4: definately could watch it a couple times and still catch things previously missed or forgotten.
Guess what will fall into the top (or top 5 of all-time) DVD purchases will be this year
It was definitely good, but no better than the first one. We'll end up buying the DVD, I'm sure, but it's not the OMG blockbuster that all the reviewers claim.
Family fare, on top of so many obscure (and many not so) references will mean this is a "must get". It's doing too well at the box office to not be a huge hit.
HomeLAN said:
It was definitely good, but no better than the first one. We'll end up buying the DVD, I'm sure, but it's not the OMG blockbuster that all the reviewers claim.
One of the reasons its doing so well is its cross generational and not gender oriented. Most times when you go to a film attended by children its the mothers taking them and the audience is made up of mothers and kids ,Shrek2's audience is young,old ,male ,female etc... there were alot of fathers taking their kids to the 7pm tues night show as well as teeenagers on dates .When was the last movie that was "truely" a movie that the whole family could and "wanted " to go to see it.