Oh DUH #3


Staff member
With any crime, it pays to know who you’re committing it against. If carjacking is your violation of choice, you really have to watch who might be in the vehicle you’re after. A man in Hollywood found that out the hard way after he thought he’d take over a minivan. The van was full of judo students – in fact, wrestlers from Florida International University in Miami – on their way to teach a self-defence class in Long Beach. They beat the unsuspecting idiot and held him until the cops came. According to L.A. police, this was the suspect’s second carjacking in as many days. The first one worked out better for him, until he ditched the vehicle in favour of a different set of wheels. The black and blue guy is now being held on bail. What's his first meal going to be in the pokey? We hope they serve chops.

Did you hear about the guy who went in to rob a store, with a bag over his head to hide his face. But he forgot to cut eye-holes in the bag and there's a CCTV tape of him just walking around the store bumping into things until the cops came and arrested him.