Oh hell, Iran now?

Yet Sharon has consistently placed Israel’s security concerns, or his interpretation of them, ahead of United States interests.

Replce Israel's with US & United States with UN & whoila, it's Thursday nights speech.
Squiggy you punk. I was around when HWC had a off topic section. I had a little more lenient attitude towards the rest of the world at that time cause WTC had not been hit but after that I have no patience for any other country in our way.


What is this ever since I came to OT I have been spewing shit. I have been a member here 6 months before you were right after it started. That is why I don't remember you. Are you even a member at HWC?
What is this ever since I came to OT I have been spewing shit. I have been a member here 6 months before you were right after it started.

I think he means that recently you have been very active in spewing your messages of hate and ignorance.

I tried to tell him it was most likely due to your ailments and recently sealed butthole....but your call for his death has him a little miffed.
flavio said:
What is this ever since I came to OT I have been spewing shit. I have been a member here 6 months before you were right after it started.

I think he means that recently you have been very active in spewing your messages of hate and ignorance.

I tried to tell him it was most likely due to your ailments and recently sealed butthole....but your call for his death has him a little miffed.

I'm not the one stuck to a glass dick. You been smokin some cali xstal.
So ol'man, anyone that was alive in the sixties is an automatic junkie in your eyes? You really need to get out more.
ol' man said:
Squiggy you punk. I was around when HWC had a off topic section. I had a little more lenient attitude towards the rest of the world at that time cause WTC had not been hit but after that I have no patience for any other country in our way.


What is this ever since I came to OT I have been spewing shit. I have been a member here 6 months before you were right after it started. That is why I don't remember you. Are you even a member at HWC?

Learn to read, ol'man. I said "since I came to otc...", not you. And you have. Everytime I see you make an appearence here you seem to be spewing about how nobody is worth shit unless they think just like you. I think I'll just throw you on ignore and pretend you never happened.
Learn to read, ol'man. I said "since I I think I'll just throw you on ignore and pretend you never happened.

That is actually kinda funny.

Anyway the hate monger stuff etc...

Yeah I may have been going over the edge lately. Guess maybe I have been ornery and decided to come to ot to see if there were any liberals I could pick on:D j/k

I once thought quite liberally, only when I was smokin too much dope though. When I look back I don't get what in the world I was thinking. Only reasobn I didn;t get off the couch to go vote for Clinton was cause I was too stoned. The reason i was going to vote him was cause I figured if anyone was going to get dope legal it was him. What a idiot I was. Anyway i have been clean for a long time now. Spose you may think I am a hippocrit for disliking the "hippie" way since I was once all too much into it. Anyone know what it is like to be sedated for 5 years:D

Anyway I really dislike what the whole hippie movement does to people. Alot of my friends have been to prison already cause of drugs. My step father in the last 15 years has spent 5 of it in prison. My uncle spent the first 20 years of his life after he turned 18 in prison. I am sure I almost went there my self. All of this is for drugs. I have been around drugs since before I was born. Every parent I have ever had step parents and parents have all been or still are junkies. Mainly my ex-step father and Dad. Still both act around age 15~18 when they started using drugs. I know not every one screws up their life when they smoke cheeba or what not but i have never really known one person that could maintain on drugs. Maybe it is because the ones that couldn't you find out about I guess and everyone knows they are a junkie.

Misery loves company.
It seems your problem is with drugs. Some hippies use, some don't. Same with the rest of us (probably a much larger per capita with hippies :D )
Ol' man. Stand up and take a look around. There are a hell of a lot of people like that, and most aren't hippies. Every town and city has a people junkyard. And most of them are hopped up on drugs.

Quit whining about how hard you had it, and be grateful you made it out. Grateful, hell, be proud. And when you look back, think "There but for the grace of God go I".
ol'man, what does all that have to do with your pent-up anger? If you're an ex addict and miserable i suggest you go to an NA meeting or get yourself a fix. But do something to get rid of that anger or it's going to kill you.

I don't say this with cruel intention.
ol'man is looking for attention in my opinion first he shouts out saying assinine things then he comes up with this sad story for us to take a bite out of! i'm not buying it! Sorry if I offend ya but your attitude in the forums seems more of a childish rant then anything else! :flame:
Save a human, kill a Democrat.

Save a baby, kill a Democrat.

are you saying us democrats arent human???

So you have children is what I was getting at and have a somewhat pseudo family now

i thought it would constitute a family if he loves them and they love him? or maybe i was raised wrong i dont know but i thought it would be a family not a pseudo family.

and i dont see whats so bad about hippies. not all of them are hyped up on drugs. and be grateful as prof said you made it out. at least you did that. not everyone does.