Oh, nice one Dubya and Trickier Dickhead!

dude, with all due respect, your use of language is often less than precise.

take it easy.

you have not been "denounced."

0bama spends 50% of his time licking the boots of the world's vermin and apologizing for the world’s greatest nation, and the other 50% running it into the ground. :shrug:

Or this was a big one:

There is little doubt that Cheney
had it in his hand to shoot down this plane but had a reason not to do so.

There is also little doubt that those who were following this object on radar did not think it was
anything other than a plane.

It is important to note that Cheney later lied to the 9/11 Commission, denying that he was in
the PEOC at this time.3 The most likely inference from this deception is that he wished to
conceal his involvement in the unfolding events that morning, thereby exonerating himself at
the expense of some other party,

Or try here http://tinyurl.com/r7vrsx
CIA Says It Will Not Reveal Any More Details on Interrogation Program

Led by former Vice President Dick Cheney, conservatives said the probe wrongly targeted those who helped keep the nation safe after the Sept. 11 attacks.
