yeah winky i'm sure he will get tons of work hanging out his own shingle just out of law school. and will be hiring lots of folks muy pronto. LOL.
they all dream of fighting grand constitutional battles but almost all of 'em end up doing asshole work. i wonder what the dropout rate is from the "young associate" track... those fuckers are worked like dogs.
he'll get a hookup with some of those evil Liberal lawyer types
it is his destiny!
Jump right into the deep end of stealing from the masses.
workin' fer money is for proles
hah Gonz the Constitution and the Republic are dead!
that would be a childish thing to try to get involved with sheesh
the rebel alliance has no chance the jedi's are all gone
i think you're confused about which side the emperor represents.
hey looks like yer fuckhead sheriff buddy is in some shit again. maybe humanity will get lucky and they'll put the asshole in a pink jumpsuit, in a tent, in the desert.