Oh, now you want civility


Well-Known Member
Is this the type of rhetoric the democrats are saying needs to be turned down by the right?

Gee. Did anyone call him on this at the time?

Hell no. He's a Democrat.


Dem Congressman who called for GOP Gov. to be put against a wall and shot now pleads for civility

By: Mark Hemingway 01/11/11 1:15 PM

Ex-Rep. Paul Kanjorski, D-Pa., pens an op-ed in the New York Times today about the proper political response to this weekend's tragedy. I wholeheartedly support the former Congressman (Kanjorski lost his seat in November) when he argues that, following this weekend's shooting, Congressman need to remain open and accessible to the public. However, Kanjorski is rather hypocritical when he climbs up on his soapbox:

We all lose an element of freedom when security considerations distance public officials from the people. Therefore, it is incumbent on all Americans to create an atmosphere of civility and respect in which political discourse can flow freely, without fear of violent confrontation.​

Incumbent on all Americans to create an atmosphere of civility and respect? Congressman heal thyself! Yesterday, I noted that, according to the Scranton Times, Kanjorski said this about Florida's new Republican Governor Rick Scott on October 23:

"That Scott down there that's running for governor of Florida," Mr. Kanjorski said. "Instead of running for governor of Florida, they ought to have him and shoot him. Put him against the wall and shoot him. He stole billions of dollars from the United States government and he's running for governor of Florida. He's a millionaire and a billionaire. He's no hero. He's a damn crook. It's just we don't prosecute big crooks."​

I'll give Kanjorski the benefit of the doubt that he did not literally mean Scott schould (sic) be killed. Regardless, Kanjorski's way over the rhetorical line compared to the kinds of statements liberals are pointing to as evidence that Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh are creating a "climate of hate," to borrow Paul Krugman's phrase. And somehow I doubt that there would have been crickets from the national media if a Republican politician called for a Democratic candidate to be shot barely a week before the election.
Is this the type of rhetoric the democrats are saying needs to be turned down by the right?

Gee. Did anyone call him on this at the time?

Hell no. He's a Democrat.


Sen. Kerry addresses 'divisive political rhetoric', report says Loughner was Kerry supporter in '04

By: Mark Hemingway 01/11/11 12:16 PM

Nearly a year ago, the Examiner's David Freddoso received a ridiculous fundraising email from Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., decrying Republicans' political rhetoric in an effort to make some green whilst delegitimizing the opposition. And Freddoso noted at the time, Kerry is not the most credible advocate for restrained political rhetoric, mentioning this incident from 2004, among other things:

Kerry was asked whether he couldn't have "killed two birds with one stone" by visiting New Hampshire. He responded with a mild joke about assassinating the president: "I could have gone to 1600 Pennsylvania and killed the real bird with one stone."

Given Kerry's track record of throwing stones, bandaging himself up, and suing the local quarry for pain and suffering, I wasn't expecting much from his speech today at the liberal Center for American Progress. But I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by how Kerry addressed the alleged causes of the tragic shooting over the weekend:

Many observers have already reduced this tragedy to simple questions of whether overheated rhetoric is to blame, or one partisan group or another. And surely today many pundits and politicians are measuring their words a little more carefully and thinking a little more about what they’re saying. But in the weeks and months ahead, the real issue we need to confront isn’t just what role divisive political rhetoric may have played on Saturday -- but it’s the violen[t], divisive, overly simplistic dialogue does to our democracy every day.​

So yes, he doesn't quite come to grips with the fact that Gabbie Giffords' attempted assassin was not influenced by right-wing rhetoric, but give Kerry some credit for offering a more measured response than many of his liberal colleagues.

It's appropriate, considering that Catie Parker, one of Loughner's high school friends, has already described him as "left wing, quite liberal." When asked why she would describe Loughner as liberal, she said this:

@johnedelstein well for the Bush/Kerry election we all wore "1 term president" buttons. That election was HUGE to us.

One Term President was a Kerry campaign sloganeering button.

So Kerry talks about stoning George Bush to death and it is ignored BECAUSE HE'S A DEMOCRAT.
Is this the type of rhetoric the democrats are saying needs to be turned down by the right?

Gee. Did anyone call him on this at the time?

Hell no. He's a Democrat.


I’m thinking to myself if we were in other countries, we would all, right now, all of us together, . . . would go down to Washington and we would stone [Republican U.S. Representative] Henry Hyde to death! We would stone him to death! Wait! . . . Shut up! No, shut up! I’m not finished. We would stone Henry Hyde to death, and we would go to their homes and we’d kill their wives and their children. We would kill their families.
– Alec Baldwin “Late Night with Conan O’Brien” December 12, 1998

Why wasn’t he brought on the carpet for his hateful rhetoric? Why wasn’t he interviewed by the Secret service?

Because he is a liberal democrat.
Is this the type of rhetoric the democrats are saying needs to be turned down by the right?

Gee. Did anyone call him on this at the time?

Hell no. He's a Democrat.


“If I hear one more Republican tell me about balancing the budget, I am going to strangle them.”
– Joe Biden Vice President of the United States 10-05-2010

Why wasn’t he brought on the carpet for his hateful rhetoric?

Because he is a democrat.
Anyone, anywhere have any quotes by Rush, Palin, O'Reilly, Hannity, Beck, et al saying they want to shoot, strangle, or stone anyone to death?
This is nothing more than an attempt to bolster the claim(s) for net neutrality, an FCC crackdown (the Fairness Doctrine reimposition) & freedom of speech in general. When that fails, they'll fall to their backup plan GUN CONTROL.