Oh the humidity!

Talk about hot! yesterday my server hit 63C idle and the temp in my loft where it is was 55C :headbng2: Thank god i don't hear stuff from my loft, cranked that delta to 12V for an idle of 47C and load of 67C :glasses:
Egad, I'd probably die in 55c.

I can't stand heat. If it were up to me, and if I wouldn't cease to live, and if I didn't need to breathe oxygen anymore (since it'd be frozen solid) I'd live in absolute zero temperature. I prefer to be cold. When I'm home alone, I set the A/C to 68F. In my car, unless someone's there with me, I set it to blast 60F. I will probably live most of my life in a server farm where the air is kept at a constant 60 or below. :D
fury said:
Egad, I'd probably die in 55c.

I can't stand heat. If it were up to me, and if I wouldn't cease to live, and if I didn't need to breathe oxygen anymore (since it'd be frozen solid) I'd live in absolute zero temperature. I prefer to be cold. When I'm home alone, I set the A/C to 68F. In my car, unless someone's there with me, I set it to blast 60F. I will probably live most of my life in a server farm where the air is kept at a constant 60 or below. :D

* shivers

I hardly ever use the AC. It could be 110F out with 70% humidity and I'd still have the windows down. I like being in the 60F server rooms, but I love being in the heat. Cold air hurts my lungs. Must be a side effect of the years I spent at summer camp. When I came back, I used to wear pants and stay outside because it was too cold indoors (not used to AC).

On the flip side, I sleep the soundest/bestest when its in the low 70s to mid 60s. First thing I do when I get a hotel room is put the AC on high and then leave. :headbang:
i actually dread the summer with the heat and humidity. i cant move when it gets real hot out. early spring and the fall are my favorites.
not a big suprise seeing as my winter coat is a windbreaker. when it gets real cold, i put a hooded sweatshirt on under the coat.
With a server farm it'd be kind of difficult to keep it below 60F. An air conditioned 60f is about the most I can take if I had the choice of temperature. I prefer it very cold to where I can see my breath. :D
At this particular moment I'm stuck in an airless room at about 35C... fortunately I've nicked the only occillating desktop fan and have it on full blast... plus I'm slowly emptying the iced water container... :D
I think I like it warmer than normal. 70-75f is a nice room temp for me, I can't have anything less than 75 in the winter. Like Mirlyn, I'm not a big fan of a/c and even though I have it in my car, I hardly use it. Last summer I think we set the record for most days over 90 degrees and I did use it more than normal but not every day.

What's really cool (no pun intended) is when I leave work on hot days but by the time I get halfway home, to the south shore, it feels at least 10 degrees cooler with more cool breezes. My neighborhood stays much cooler than anywhere else because of the ocean so close. It even smells better than anywhere else I've lived. :)

nice avatar tits GF