Ohh lookie 'state secrets'

To the soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen...yes. To everyone else, no. An actual declaration of war transfers more than a few powers from Congress to the President. That means a draft, rationing, restraints on public gatherings, etc. None of that happened...even with the Patriot Act. The whole nation would be behind the goal of winning the war no matter the cost, and all those protesters you see on TV would be behind bars.

Sorry Gato. I know a lot of folks who agree with you. Calling it a "police action" or and "interdiction" or whatever is just sugar coating in my opinion. It's a war no matter what you want to call it. Semantics, nothing more. It's the soldiers, sailors, marines etc. that matter.
Sorry Gato. I know a lot of folks who agree with you. Calling it a "police action" or and "interdiction" or whatever is just sugar coating in my opinion. It's a war no matter what you want to call it. Semantics, nothing more. It's the soldiers, sailors, marines etc. that matter.

And why can't we as a society set our petty political differences aside and see this? You and I sit on opposite sides of the aisle more often than not. These differences taint the ways we approach matters. But when the shit hits the fan, a tax bill or a spending cut pales in comparison to this. Now it's my opinion that one side of the political fiasco is less flexible in its willingness to do so than another; others will see it differently. I really don't care who is the bigger stick in the mud, I want ALL the sticks picked up and tossed into the burn pile if they cannot reconcile long enough to do right by these people who fight for our right to bicker.

Having said that, I will now say this. I have long voted a certain way because I felt and feel that at the end of the day they total more points than do the opposition. I was one of those geeks who was actually excited about turning 18 because it meant I could vote. Through all life's twists and turns, particularly over the last 5 years, I have yet to miss a single election, local State or fed, general, primary, referrendum, whathaveyou.

Unless and until one party or the other presents me with a candidate I can get behind in a significant way I will not be participating in future elections. The last few I have simply voted for the lesser of two evils; voting more against someone than for another. Unless one of the final two (realistic) choices is so mind bogglingly whacked out (Edwards, for instance, or Gulliani) I won't even do that much. To me the difference between Newt Gingrich and Nancy Pelosi is basically she has more balls than he does, and that ain't enough to get me out to the polls any longer.

W has disappointed me in all but two realms: his domestic tax breaks, and his steadfast refusal to abandon our deployed troops. That's all I can say for the man. His environmental policy is terrifying, save for the fact that he hasn't become a card carrying member of the global warming nut house just yet. Left to his own devices we wouldn't have so much as a tree protected on public lands by now, and that is unacceptable to me. His policy, or should I say NONpolicy on illegal immigration is shameful and dangerous, and runs directly contradictory to what he claims to stand for vis-a-vis Iraq. All the other stuff some folk like making sport of, like his public speaking prowess, is inconsequental to me; it just doesn't matter one way or the other. OK, so he can't speak as well as others; at least he's managed to keep his britches on while he's on the clock. It's a wash. Ain't nobody mistaken me for Rush Limbaugh yet, I don't wear a cheerleading outfit with a big W on the front, but I still say he beats any viable alternative the smuggies on the other side of the aisle have presented us. Al Friggin Gore??! C'mon, gimme a break already. People like to laugh about how stupid W is. Then the same people bitch about how he stole the election. Well, in my book, anybody that can steal an election with 47 major news networks watching, 46 of which are predisposed to hate him anyway, is pretty damn clever. So which is it? Is he stupid or did he steal an election? We'll never know, because by and large those slinging that bucket of mud never offer solutions to anything, just ceaseless whining.

So unless someone steps forward and changes my mind, good or bad, I'm out. Hell I live in militarily occupied territory anyway; nobody in Washington gives a damn about us nor have they for 150 years, right? I'll just vote a straight Confederate ticket from now on. Like I would have anyway.

Rambling post, I know. Just had a lot of this stuff on my mind for awhile, and once the cork came out it all just sorta spilled...

[/blog] :D
And why can't we as a society set our petty political differences aside and see this?

I don't know, but it sure doesn't seem like we can does it?

I'll continue to vote myself, even though I fully understand your point of view and fully believe that it makes no real difference who we elect. Just stubborn contrariness, I suppose. I wonder why I bother every time I pull the lever.

Just as an aside, I will vote for someone I politically disagree with (Bart Gordon, for instance) if I truly believe they think of their constituents first. It's a vanishingly rare breed and no mistake. Such unusual behavior should be encouraged, IMO.
i think a few folks around here creamed their pants just reading that.

Protesters, much like liberal college professors (is there any other kind?) should not be in jail. We need something to jeer at on the CBS Evening Snews with or without Katie Couric.
Sorry Gato. I know a lot of folks who agree with you. Calling it a "police action" or and "interdiction" or whatever is just sugar coating in my opinion. It's a war no matter what you want to call it. Semantics, nothing more. It's the soldiers, sailors, marines etc. that matter.

Maybe so, but, in this one case, those semantics really matter. This ain't like "potato, potahto", because it affects more than the actual fighting. My personal opinion is this...if you're going to "authorize the use of force", then you should be 'forced' to declare war. Otherwise, you're not doing the job you're supposed to do, and you're hampering the job I got sent out to do.
They followed through on their requirements. The bill didn't say DECLARATION OF WAR but it did include all the necessary wording to be a declaration of war.


One Hundred Seventh Congress

of the

United States of America

Begun and held at the City of Washington on Wednesday,

the third day of January, two thousand and one

Joint Resolution


This joint resolution may be cited as the `Authorization for Use of Military Force'.


(1) SPECIFIC STATUTORY AUTHORIZATION- Consistent with section 8(a)(1) of the War Powers Resolution, the Congress declares that this section is intended to constitute specific statutory authorization within the meaning of section 5(b) of the War Powers Resolution.
They followed through on their requirements. The bill didn't say DECLARATION OF WAR but it did include all the necessary wording to be a declaration of war.

No. It only granted certain powers, therefor it isn't a declaration of war.

this section is intended to constitute specific statutory authorization within the meaning of section 5(b) of the War Powers Resolution.

What, exactly, are those specific statutory authorizations? Hence...its not a declared war. Its limited by the whims of whatever wind is blowing through Congress. That means its also a useless and arbitrary use of force. A formal declaration takes a request by the President, and a vote by Congress without those pesky statutory limitations that Congress uses to hamstring the effort of the troops on the ground. We can thank Lyndon B. Johnson for the War Powers Act of 1973. It was his bungling efforts in Vietnam that brought that Act about.