I'm pretty mainstream, middle of the road. I don't like the Far Right Christians high jacking our legal system and pushing their Christian conservative agenda and trying to regulate my personal life (as well as pushing their agenda in public schools) any more than I like the Far Left pushing their agenda. There are far more of people like me than people realize because we keep to ourselves and don't push our personal beliefs on others. We're quiet, so the politicians think we don't exist. But we're out there, and we vote.It sounds like we're on the same page here mostly.
I wasn't suggesting he was mentally ill because he held the beliefs of that group,
or that that group is in any way bad etc...
I do think it's been hijacked somewhat like other groups that started out good, then got a little too radical because of some.
No, this guy had other problems, if you can find more info on him.
I won't provide links here, but they are out there atm.
It does my conscience good to hear you stand for freedom in that way.