oil in the water

There are ways, including chemical 'sponges', but the sheer volume of oil plus the waves make it difficult, at best. I'm sure that they're trying to cordon off and retain as much as they can
Stupid, but cheaper.
This reminds me that the Exxon Valdez spill still isn't fixed, nor paid off. Not horribly surprised.
you're wondering why no one has really spent a lot of time thinking about oil other than in new ways to extract and market it?


i find that terrifying. brains focused on extractive economies are utterly incapable of anticipating the future. that's why we had to go to iraq. twice.
kinda...notice the word 'salvage'

seems now though some are looking at how to capitalized on this cleanup process,
and give some of the fishermen that are going to lose money, a chance to recoup.

If necessity is the mother of invention, maybe some good may come out of
the mess yet.
Not to say there's surly gonna be a mess left on the coast in any event.
They can salvage it. They have been sweeping it, along with a bazillion gallons of seawater, into tankers. The cost is prohibitive & the "cleaning" is worse.

Not to worry, mother nature will have it cleaned up in no time. However, the beaches will look like shit for awhile so the humans will break out the Dawn.
Am I the only one that is curious how an oilrig just went BOOM!? Seems a bit fishy to me ('specially seeing the Bamster said he was okay with off-shore drilling)

NO minkey, I'm not blaming Obama or Marx..relax
The Pentagon spokesman described the clean-up as a "dynamic, changing situation" that Defense Department leadership is constantly evaluating. On Thursday, the Pentagon sent salvage teams, skimmers and about 50 contractors to operate the skimmers.

"As the situation evolves, we will respond as needed," he said.

sounds like they are making good chioces now.
Maybe some kind of good can come out of this.
Stupid, but cheaper.
This reminds me that the Exxon Valdez spill still isn't fixed, nor paid off. Not horribly surprised.

Show us the lasting damage. In most areas you cannot even find any evidence that the spill ever occurred. Nature cleans up after itself.

If there were truly lasting damage the base of the White Cliffs of Dover would still be stained with the oil from sunken tankers in the English Channel during WWII.

Try this:


Abstract Recent global estimates of crude-oil seepage
rates suggest that about 47% of crude oil currently
entering the marine environment is from natural seeps,
whereas 53% results from leaks and spills during the
extraction, transportation, refining, storage, and utilization
of petroleum.
The amount of natural crude-oil
seepage is currently estimated to be 600,000 metric tons
per year, with a range of uncertainty of 200,000 to
2,000,000 metric tons per year. Thus, natural oil seeps
may be the single most important source of oil that
enters the ocean, exceeding each of the various sources
of crude oil that enters the ocean through its exploitation
by humankind.

Show us the lasting damage.
Show us the lasting damage.
Show us the lasting damage. In most areas you cannot even find any evidence that the spill ever occurred. Nature cleans up after itself.

If there were truly lasting damage the base of the White Cliffs of Dover would still be stained with the oil from sunken tankers in the English Channel during WWII.

Try this:


Show us the lasting damage.

UNC Disagrees.
Drill baby Drill.
Nice :) ... the rally cry from Republicans in the 2008 presidential election: McCain and Palin.
October 2, 2008, at the Vice Presidential debate between Sarah Palin and Joe Biden.

Biden, "...Drill we must, but it will take 10 years for one drop of oil to come out of any of the wells that are going to be drilled."

Palin responded by saying, "The chant is 'drill, baby, drill.'

RM, are you switching sides?
Am I the only one that is curious how an oilrig just went BOOM!? Seems a bit fishy to me ('specially seeing the Bamster said he was okay with off-shore drilling)

NO minkey, I'm not blaming Obama or Marx..relax
It's a little early on the investigation, but I am as curious about the cause as you seem to be. I don't know about it seeming "fishy" (is that a pun? ;)) but I know that there were safety precautions that are not present in this country that are required in Norway for off shore drilling. Norway has seen it's share of such disasters.

Still, I would wait to see what the investigation finds before jumping to conclusions. Most people are quick to blame BP and Haliburton, but we should wait for this information.