OK Bush haters

i understand you're pointing toward the "creative" use of executive power, but, what's to respond to? is it any surprise? we should wait and see how much this creativity ends up costing us in lives and loot. and, one should note, at least this round is not based on a false premise. though if the goal was to prevent killing of innocents, i guess that sorta rationalizes taking out saddam, too, huh?
I dunno, after 8 years of hearing "Bush lied", etc, it would be quite impressive to find those who complained were actually going to equally beat about the current sitting President for going farther than GW did.

After all, GW got approval for all "his wars" from Congress and the UN.
point taken, but, shit, how big of a lie pile is obama laying here to get what he wants? doesn't seem like much to me. more like "we're doing it so fuck you. ha ha ha. end transmission."

His authority ended. He is ignoring the limitations placed upon the Executive branch, just as he's repeatedy ignored the rest of the Constitution, yet nobody is willing to do anything.
His authority ended. He is ignoring the limitations placed upon the Executive branch, just as he's repeatedy ignored the rest of the Constitution, yet nobody is willing to do anything.

yep... and there you go.
telling, isn't it?

i didn't really have a big problem with bush's stretches of authority. who doesn't like a "fuck you" to congress now and then? i just think the whole iraq thing was a waste of resources. a bad call. how it was done, well... whatever... but then i also think he shoulda gotten our act together in afghanistan a little sooner... it was totally back-burnered. no wonder karzai is being such a fag.

i more or less agree with what i see happening. kadaffi's not getting an easy win. bin laden is toast, as well as the next fucker in line.
Funny, congress agreed with Bush, so did half-dozen UN revolutions. In fact I believe taking down Saddam was established as US law under Clinton.

Not quite the same taking sides with terrorist in a civil war.