OK, I guess I'm old now


Well-Known Member
I got my first Social Security statement in the mail today. I don't have enough credits for retirement benefits yet but I do qualify for disability benefits.
Old man to wife: Hun, today at the pension offices, I had to show the lady behind the counter the grey hair on my chest, to prove I am eligible for old age pension.
Wife: You should have shown her your dick & claimed disability as well.

***lame I know***
AlphaTroll said:
Old man to wife: Hun, today at the pension offices, I had to show the lady behind the counter the grey hair on my chest, to prove I am eligible for old age pension.
Wife: You should have shown her your dick & claimed disability as well.

***lame I know***

And the husband wonders why there is a good suply of carrots and bananas...
Interestingly enough, between my old job at RadioShack and this one at the newspaper, my 2005 earnings should just about equal all the money I'd earned in the rest of the years combined, according to the Social Security statement.
I'm not going to count on social security. I'm gonna pull an Anna Nicole and find me an ancient millionaire that just wants his hand held. Figure I'll scope out the Cardio ward at Emory or something...