OK so the camels are coming home to roost?

The French brought the snake in, and it gets misconstrued to mean either conservatives, or Bush, is the snake? How droll. Only the most rabid anti-Bush, hate-mongering 'person' would think of that.
Sammi don't want that
and I don't want to have to beg him the morning
NYC is a smoking wreck too unlock this thread so
the comments from a certain person from
Oakland can be seen for just what they really are

(there, how's that?)
Winky said:
Sammi don't want that
and I don't want to have to beg him the morning
NYC is a smoking wreck too unlock this thread so
the comments from a certain person from
Oakland can be seen for just what they really are

(there, how's that?)
I still think you could have been a little more sarcastic. *poke*
You must be drinking the cheap stuff today. :evilgrin:
Then it is like yer heads in the barrel

and someone is beatin' on it with a baseball bat

guess I'd better stick with what I'm using now then huh?
Gato_Solo said:
The French brought the snake in, and it gets misconstrued to mean either conservatives, or Bush, is the snake? How droll. Only the most rabid anti-Bush, hate-mongering 'person' would think of that.
Damn, Gato is namecalling yet again.

Since you posted it right after some discussion of how Bush had increased terrorist activity it seemed obvious. Winky didn't think you meant the french either.

Makes more sense with Bush as the snake.
My grand-mère on my Mommie’s side was French
an immigré no less
don't know any French tho

how about you?
flavio said:
Damn, Gato is namecalling yet again.

Where, pray-tell, did I call a name? Perhaps if you'd spend less time calling folks 'snake', you'd have less of a guilty conscience.

flavio said:
Since you posted it right after some discussion of how Bush had increased terrorist activity it seemed obvious. Winky didn't think you meant the french either.

Makes more sense with Bush as the snake.

The French are the little boy, and Islamic fundamentalism, which the French supported for quite some time, is the snake. Call me silly, but I figured that placing this back on the original topic would be a good thing.
The Other One said:
TOO Knock off the name calling.


Violation of allegiance toward one's country or sovereign, especially the betrayal of one's country by waging war against it or by consciously and purposely acting to aid its enemies.

My mistake; I thought any noun out of Webster's would be O.K.

At least I don't swear up a storm, no mo-fo this or that EVER :cuss:

Have you ever considered just deleting the provocative word to edit down to a less offensive post? Or maybe just have a list of words that won't make it through a filter, for instance "Dick" or "cock-a-doodle-do" or even "BS". I am more offended reading the language than being called a name. Sticks and stones you know.

Would "Liberal" be O.K.? I don't know if the flava-miester votes, so I can't call him a "Democrat"

But this cartoon seems to represent the Liberal point of view nowadays:

Gato_Solo said:
Where, pray-tell, did I call a name? Perhaps if you'd spend less time calling folks 'snake', you'd have less of a guilty conscience.
rabid anti-Bush, hate-mongering 'person' would think of that

Since I'm the one who thought of it obviously you are calling me a "rabid anti-Bush hate-mongering 'person'.

The Other One said:
Violation of allegiance toward one's country or sovereign, especially the betrayal of one's country by waging war against it or by consciously and purposely acting to aid its enemies.
Yeah, that would apply to you.
Gonz said:
If the shoe fits, it's it desrcriptive or name-calling?

No names were mentioned, nor were any implied. If someone wants to assign said comments to themselves, that's not my problem. :shrug:
Sureit was assigned since I was the one who thought of it in the previous post. You just can't seem to stop the personal attacks.