Ok, the new year has arrived


molṑn labé
Staff member
...now what?

I hafta work today due to a screw up in communications & what better day to drive almost 600 miles than on Hangover Day?
Bummer. Feel sorry for the fucker in the Yugo that pisses you off today.
samcurry said:
argh, gonz who,s gonna meet ya there?

I called them on Tuesday & asked what time the first shift was reporting back to work. 3PM was the answer.

Got there & they (3 guys) were watching "Office Space" or a simliar titled movie. Loaded, went to close the trailer doors & had a goddamned flat. Not good with a 44,000 lb load. 3 stops, 30 miles & :45 minutes later I found the only on-duty tire mechanic in Iowa. He had already clocked out but did it anyway.

So, instead of beating the snow to FW, I drove the last 60 miles on ice & snow covered roads. Woo-fucking-Hoo...

I need a computer related job.
Gonz said:
So, instead of beating the snow to FW, I drove the last 60 miles on ice & snow covered roads. Woo-fucking-Hoo...

Rather you than me... the last time I rode through a blizzard it was 16 miles @ 5mph with my feet down and I had to stop to warm my hands on the engine every 10 mins. When I finally got in I sat for an hour before finally taking my gear off, it took half an hour for the pain in my hands and feet and other extremities to go as they thawed out. The worst 16 miles of my life but I had no choice although I can't remember now why, just that ride. I think I probably had hypothermia. Never again - motorcycles are for summer weather these days! :(
You could always get hunters style socks and gloves with the inset battery pack and heating elements and just keep biking on through the winter.
unclehobart said:
You could always get hunters style socks and gloves with the inset battery pack and heating elements and just keep biking on through the winter.

They weren't generally available when I was a serious all year round biker and those that were were extremely expensive.

I used to wear themal undies including long-johns and body warmers, with waterproofs over the top of my normal gear plus thermal liners on hands and feet with two pairs of wool socks and boots one size too big, fur lined gloves and over mitts, but the wind chill still took it's toll and steel toe-caps still get very cold. A lot of my guy friends also used to wear tights 'cos they really do make a difference on your legs.

I felt like the Michelin Man and it took ages to put that lot on and off I can tell you but it just never occured to me NOT to ride!

I remember one time riding all the way across country from Colchester to Anglesea in Wales(about 350 miles) in pouring rain. It didn't take long to discover that my new waterproofs weren't! But we met some really nice people along the way who helped us dry out and some arseholes who didn't want bikers messing up their nice clean motorway caffs. That's one reason we always used to stop at trucker stops not motorway services they were much more friendly and accomodating. I guess back then (20 years ago) they were kind of intrigued by a women riding a big bike.

These days I prefer 4 wheels and my car heater in that sort of weather. :)
Sadly I don't have many pics of my bikes but here's me on my Suzuki GT550 (2 stroke, triple).