OK you hardware freaks get in here...

Not enough. With anything greater than winme i wouldn't recommend even trying it unless you have atleast 300mb of ram. Especially if you play games or use apps like photoshop. Winxp & 2000 are just memory hogs and like a combined total(ram & virtual memory) of 700+ mb.
It's windows 98... she has old programs she likes... :rolleyes:

I'll order 2x 256 sticks.. they're cheap enough now.

Katie has 384mb of ram, but she doesn't use ram intensive programs and that's more than enough.
Finally it won't turn at all, it's completely dead.

If it won't power up then VM isn't your prob,its more likely a Hardware problem causing both the VM error and "dead" prob. Since VM doesn't come into play until windows starts to load you should still get a power up.
That's why I think it's a faulty mobo, because everything else is running fine with the other one... I'll hook up Katie's harddrive today and see how it behaves, but I bet it's fine. :shrug:

I better swap over the video and soundcards too. Don't want to put unnecessary drivers on the hdd.

Maybe one of the controllers went or something? I bought it second-hand so you never really know what it's been through. It's just unfortunate they both had to act up at the same time.

Anyway I have a replacement coming, so no problem... it's the 1.3 version which will take an XP chip.... although my overclocked axia works fine.

Just wondering how the Palamino 1900+ performs?
You say it locked up ,did you have to do a hard shutdown,this could corrupt the Virtual Memory/Swap file.You need to do a Defrag from Safe Mode ,this will force the Swap to be rebuilt.As for what caused the Lockup, Powersupply ,RAM or even the quality of the Current from the wall.The place I live in now has a tendancy to trip breakers if the wife plugs too many things in ,even if the computer isn't on the breaker that trips it "dirtys " the flow enough that I have to Hard shutdown.Do you have a electric heater of furnace that dims the lights when it kicks in? just an idea.
Yes I had to hit the reboot button...several times... remind me how to tell it to go to safe mode, I can't remember which of the function keys it is.

As for the power supply, they're all on surge protectors and there's no problem with the power supply here normally.
Aunty Em said:
Yes I had to hit the reboot button...several times... remind me how to tell it to go to safe mode, I can't remember which of the function keys it is.

As for the power supply, they're all on surge protectors and there's no problem with the power supply here normally.
A power supply can go bad on it's own, and cause no end of strange problems. I think it souds like the motherboard too, but I would swap power supplies before I bought a new motherboard. Re turning the virtual memory off, I don't like to. I run a gig of DDR, but I still leave it on. That's just my opinion, I know shutting it off works but I've never seen a perfomance benefit.
Thanks Kawaii, I wasn't sure if it was F5 or F8.

The KT7A v1.3 will take up to an XP2400+ chip, so I'm going to move my XP2200+ onto it after Christmas and get a Barton 2500+ for this one, plus some 333 DDR-Ram. :D

I may need to put an extra fan in the side of my E-Starcase as it's the older version, for a bit of extra cooling, but we'll see... or I may be able to get a replacement side with the fan already fitted.