Oka Crisis - Pow-Wow


Well-Known Member
Today is the 15th anniversary of the beginning of the Oka Crisis, where the Kanasatake Mohawks blocked the expansion of a golf course onto Mohawk lands and burial grounds. This began simply with a blocking of access to a local bridge, the police got involved and eventually the military. The site where the military 'copters landed (Turtle Island) is used yearly around this time for a Pow-Wow.

This year, I introduced my son to part of his heritage by bringing him to Kanasatake so he could hear the music, see the dancing, eat traditional food (and slightly untraditional - Buffalo burgers) and breathe in some of the colour.

The events of 15 years past still tinges the area and its people, but the hatchet has literally been buried and the love of tradition moves on.

Great weekend!
Yeah engaging in reverie of the primitive cultures is
very politically correct.
As long as the kid doesn't get a complex about his place in the world
and start wearing a loincloth.
Mebbe I should take Ukrainian lessons from Paul's ex?
Winky said:
Yeah engaging in reverie of the primitive cultures is
very politically correct.
As long as the kid doesn't get a complex about his place in the world
and start wearing a loincloth.
Mebbe I should take Ukrainian lessons from Paul's ex?
My kid's a mutt....French Canadian/Iroquois Mohawk/Spanish ...
This has nothing to do with PC and a lot to do with knowing where you come from so you know where you're going. History and all that jazz.

Besides...it's very entertaining and where else can you get a decent buffalo burger?