Okay be honest ...

Yes, always. It's a little thing of mine. We went camping a few weeks ago, and they had an outhouse, that was about 50 feet away, and a Real bathroom about 300 feet away, I hiked the 300.
I heard a funny joke about that though.

These two businessmen are taking a leak in the bathroom at work. They finish up at the same time, and one heads for the sink and one heads for the door. The one going to the sink says "You know, I went to Harvard, and they taught us to always wash your hands after using the restroom". The one going out the door says "Really, I went to the Community College in my hometown, and they taught us not to piss on our hands."
Depends. I don't piss on my hands and I don't have a dirty wang so sometimes not (for no.1).

No. 2 - ALWAYS. :headbang:
yeah, but who touched the taps, and the towel rack, and the stall locks, and the door handle?! :eek: :sick:
That's not a big problem. I usually open the door with a paper towel...and I wash my hands with hot water and soap...Any germ that can live through that can't be killed. ;)
Always. But I used to work with a woman who didn't, and everyone knew it. So everyone avoided going near her at all after a while. The only reason we thought of that she might not is that she had some kind of alcohol-based cleanser on her desk but she didn't.

Ever hear of Wet Ones? They're like diaper wipes but for all-purpose. I have one at work and one at home-they're great. I even clean computer cases with them.